Derive Macro coffer_macros::ConstantPoolReadWrite[][src]

    // Attributes available to this derive:

!Internal use only! Derive a ConstantPoolReadWrite trait.

This will call the functions for the fields, therefore fields must implement ConstantPoolReadWrite or ReadWrite.

Attributes available:

  • tag_type: indicates the type of the tag for the enum. This must be an integer type, and is big-endian only.
  • tag: indicates individual tags for enum variants. When the tag attribute is absent, a discriminant is used. When both the tag attribute and a discriminant is missing, the tag is incremented from the last variant.
  • attr_enum: indicates this is an enum that is an attribute. Rather than matching tags, it will match on attribute names. A raw_variant must be specified.
  • raw_variant: indicates this is the raw variant of the attribute enum. The field list must be exactly (RawAttribute).
  • use_normal_rw: indicates using normal ReadWrite trait instead of ConstantPoolReadWrite.
  • str_type: indicates this field is one of the constant pool types that has a string. One of Package, Module, String and Class to be exact. Therefore a type must be specified: #[str_type(Class)]
  • str_optional: indicates this field is an optional string. None represents 0 in byte form. The field must be Option<Cow<'static, str>>.
  • vec_len_type: indicates the length type of the vec. if this is #[vec_len_type(u32)], then the 32-bit length n is written/read first.