Crate coerce

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Coerce is a framework for creating distributed, event-driven applications, implementing Carl Hewitt’s actor model.

Taking inspiration from akka,, actix and Orleans, Coerce brings the power and flexibility of distributed actors and other industry-leading patterns to your Rust toolbox and provides the required primitives for creating highly available, fault tolerant distributed applications.

Coerce uses tokio’s asynchronous runtime and IO framework to ensure best-in-class performance and concurrency, and seamless compatibility with other async libraries.

Asynchronous traits are currently achieved by using the async_trait macro, with the intention to drop the dependency once async fn in trait is generally available in stable Rust.


Feature Flags

Coerce is split into numerous features, which allows you to choose which Coerce features are to be compiled, allowing you to speed up compilation if there are only specific modules your application uses:

  • full - Enables all features
  • remote - Enables remoting and clustering
  • persistence - Enables actor persistence
  • metrics - Enables actor metrics + metrics exporter
  • sharding - Enables distributed sharding
  • actor-tracing - Enables actor tracing
  • api - Enables HTTP API server
  • client-auth-jwt - Enables JWT authentication between Coerce cluster nodes

Getting Started

The entry point into the Coerce runtime is an ActorSystem. Every ActorSystem has an ID a name and an ActorScheduler. The ActorScheduler acts as a local registry and is responsible for keeping track of actors, allowing retrieval of LocalActorRefs by ActorId.

Actors can be created by either using the IntoActor trait on instances of any type that implement the Actor trait, or by calling new_actor on the ActorSystem directly.

At a high level, there are 2 types of actors that can be created, Tracked and Anonymous. The only differences between them are that Tracked actors are registered with the ActorScheduler, which means their LocalActorRef can be retrieved and they can be communicated with remotely, but an Anonymous actor cannot be retrieved and is not available for remote communication.

Actor Example

use coerce::actor::{
    Actor, IntoActor,
    message::{Message, Handler},

pub async fn main() {
    let system = ActorSystem::new();
    let actor = PlayerActor::default()
                .into_actor(Some("player-actor-1"), &system)

    let _ = actor.notify(PointsScored(1));
    let _ = actor.notify(PointsScored(2));
    let _ = actor.notify(PointsScored(3));

    let points = actor.send(GetPoints).await.ok();
    assert_eq!(points, Some(6))

struct PlayerActor {
    points: usize,

impl Actor for PlayerActor { }

pub struct PointsScored(usize);

impl Message for PointsScored {
    type Result = ();

pub struct GetPoints;

impl Message for GetPoints {
    type Result = usize;

impl Handler<PointsScored> for PlayerActor {
    async fn handle(&mut self, message: PointsScored, ctx: &mut ActorContext) {
        self.points += message.0;

impl Handler<GetPoints> for PlayerActor {
    async fn handle(&mut self, message: GetPoints, ctx: &mut ActorContext) -> usize {
