Expand description

Collection types.


A fixed-capacity priority queue implemented with a binary heap.

Forgetful map data structures.

A double-ended queue implemented with a ring buffer.

A map based on an association list.

A set implemented with a vector.

Groups of Options with bit-packed discriminants.

Pool-based memory management.

Contiguous growable array types with constant capacity.

Type Definitions

A 2-way set-associative cache with a least recently used eviction policy, using a heap-allocated array for storage.

A deque using a heap-allocated slice for storage.

A direct-mapped cache using a heap-allocated array for storage.

A binary heap using a heap-allocated slice for storage.

An association list that stores its contents in globally allocated memory.

A set based on a globally allocated array.

A vector using a heap-allocated slice for storage.

A 2-way set-associative cache with a least recently used eviction policy, using an arena-allocated slice for storage.

A double-ended queue using an arena-allocated slice for storage.

A direct-mapped cache using an arena-allocated slice for storage.

A binary heap using an arena-allocated slice for storage.

An association list that stores its contents in an arena-allocated memory block.

A set based on an arena-allocated array.

A vector using an arena-allocated slice for storage.

A direct-mapped pool that stores its content in globally allocated memory.

A direct-mapped pool that stores its contents in an arena-allocated memory block.

A direct-mapped pool that stores its contents in an inline array, indexed by the specified custom Handle.

A 2-way set-associative cache with a least recently used eviction policy, using an inline array for storage.

A deque using an inline array for storage.

A direct-mapped cache using an inline array for storage.

A binary heap using an inline array for storage.

An association list that stores its contents inline.

A set based on an inline array.

A vector using an inline array for storage.

A group of up to eight Options with the discriminants packed into a single u8.

A group of up to sixteen Options with the discriminants packed into a single u16.

A group of up to 32 Options with the discriminants packed into a single u32.

A group of up to 64 Options with the discriminants packed into a single u64.

A densely packed pool that stores its contents in globally allocated memory.

A densely packed pool that stores its contents in a arena-allocated memory block.

A densely packed pool that stores its contents inline, indexed by the specified custom Handle.

A double-ended queue using any mutable slice for storage.

A binary heap using a mutable slice for storage.

A set based on any mutable array slice.

A vector using any mutable slice for storage.