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§juniper_actix crate

Crates.io Documentation CI Rust 1.68+

actix-web web server integration for juniper (GraphQL implementation for Rust).

It’s inspired and some parts are copied from juniper_warp crate.


For documentation, including guides and examples, check out Juniper Book.

A basic usage example can also be found in the API docs.


Check examples/actix_server.rs for example code of a working actix-web server with GraphQL handlers.


This project is licensed under BSD 2-Clause License.



  • Actix GraphQL Handler for GET requests
  • Create a handler that replies with an HTML page containing GraphiQL. This does not handle routing, so you can mount it on any endpoint
  • Actix Web GraphQL Handler for GET and POST requests
  • Create a handler that replies with an HTML page containing GraphQL Playground. This does not handle routing, so you cant mount it on any endpoint.
  • Actix GraphQL Handler for POST requests