Derive Macro coasys_juniper::GraphQLInterface

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    // Attributes available to this derive:
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#[derive(GraphQLInterface)] macro for generating a [GraphQL interface][1] implementation for traits and its implementers.

This macro is applicable only to structs and useful in case [interface][1] fields don’t have any arguments:

use coasys_juniper::{GraphQLInterface, GraphQLObject};

// NOTICE: By default a `CharacterValue` enum is generated by macro to represent values of this
//         GraphQL interface.
#[graphql(for = Human)] // enumerating all implementers is mandatory
struct Character {
    id: String,

#[graphql(impl = CharacterValue)] // notice the enum type name, not trait name
struct Human {
    id: String, // this field is used to resolve Character::id
    home_planet: String,

For more info and possibilities see [#[graphql_interface]] macro.

[#[graphql_interface]]: crate::graphql_interface [1]: