[][src]Crate coaster

Provides a simple and unified API to run fast and highly parallel computations on different devices such as CPUs and GPUs, accross different computation languages such as OpenCL and CUDA and allows you to swap your backend on run-time.

Coaster was started at Autumn to create an easy and performant abstraction over different backends for the Machine Intelligence Framework Leaf, with no hard dependency on any driver or libraries so that it can easily be used without the need for a long and painful build process.


Code often is executed on the native CPU, but could be executed on other devices such as GPUs and Accelerators as well. These devices are accessable through frameworks like OpenCL and CUDA but have a more complicated interfaces than your every-day native CPU which makes the use of these devices a painful experience. Some of the pain points, when writing such device code, are:

  • non-portable: frameworks have different interfaces, devices support different versions and machines might have different hardware - all this leads to code that will be executable only on a very specific set of machines and platforms.
  • steep learning curve: executing code on a device through a framework is quite different to running code on the native CPU and comes with a lot of hurdles. OpenCLs 1.2 specification for example has close to 400 pages.
  • custom code: integrating support for devices into your project, requires the need for writing a lot of custom code e.g. kernels, memory management, genereal business logic.

But writing code for devices would often be a good choice as these devices can execute many operations a lot faster than the native CPUs. GPUs for example can execute operations roughly one to two orders of magnitudes faster, thanks to better support of parallelizing operations. OpenCL and CUDA make parallelizing operations super easy.

With Coaster we eleminate the pain points of writing device code, so you can run your code like any other Rust code, don't need to learn about kernels, events, or memory synchronization, and can deploy your code with ease to servers, desktops or mobiles and your code will make full use of the underlying hardware.


The single entry point of Coaster is a Backend. A Backend is agnostic over the Device it runs Operations on. In order to be agnostic over the Device, such as native host CPU, GPUs, Accelerators or other types of Hardware, the Backend needs to be agnostic over the Framework as well. A Framework is a computation language such as OpenCL, Cuda or the native programming language. The Framework is important, as it provides us with the interface to turn Hardware into Devices and therefore, among other things, execute Operations on the created Device. With a Framework, we get access to Hardware as long as the Hardware supports the Framework. As different vendors of Hardware use different Frameworks, it becomes important that the Backend is agnostic over the Framework. This allows us to run computations on any machine such as servers, desktops and mobiles without the need to worry about what Hardware is available on the machine. That gives us the freedom to write code once and deploy it on different machines where it will execute on the most potent Hardware by default.

Operations get introduced by a Plugin. A Plugin extends your Backend with ready-to-execute Operations. All you need to do is provide these Coaster Plugin crates alongside the Coaster crate in your Cargo file. Your Backend will then be extended with the operations provided by the Plugin. The interface is just common Rust e.g. to execute the dot product operation of the Coaster-BLAS Plugin, we can simply call backend.dot(...). Whether or not the dot Operation is executed on, e.g. one or many GPUs or CPUs, depends solely on how you configured the Backend. If you did not further specify which Framework and Hardware to use, it depends solely on the machine you execute the dot Operation on. The concept of Operations has one more component - the Binary. As opposed to executing code on the native CPU - devices need to compile and build the Operation manually at run-time, which makes up a significant part of a Framework. We need an initializable instance for holding the state and compiled Operations, wich the Binary is good for.

The last piece of Coaster is the Memory. A Operation happens over data, but this data needs to be accessable by the device on which the Operation is executed. The process is occurs often, that memory space needs to be allocated on the device and then in a later step, synced from the host to the device or from the device back to the host. Thanks to Tensor we do not have to care about memory management between devices for the execution of Operations. Tensor tracks and automatically manages data and it's memory accross devices, which is often the host and the Device. But it can also be passed around to different Backends. Operations take Tensors as arguments and handle the synchronization and allocation for you.


This example requires the Coaster NN Plugin, for Neural Network related operations, to work.

This example is not tested
extern crate coaster as co;
extern crate coaster_nn as nn;
use co::prelude::*;
use nn::*;

fn write_to_memory<T: Copy>(mem: &mut FlatBox, data: &[T]) {
        let mut mem_buffer = mem.as_mut_slice::<T>();
        for (index, datum) in data.iter().enumerate() {
            mem_buffer[index] = *datum;

fn main() {
    // Initialize a CUDA Backend.
    let backend = Backend::<Cuda>::default().unwrap();
    // Initialize two SharedTensors.
    let mut x = SharedTensor::<f32>::new(&(1, 1, 3)).unwrap();
    let mut result = SharedTensor::<f32>::new(&(1, 1, 3)).unwrap();
    // Fill `x` with some data.
    let payload: &[f32] = &::std::iter::repeat(1f32).take(x.capacity()).collect::<Vec<f32>>();
    let native = Backend::<Native>::default().unwrap();
    write_to_memory(x.get_mut(native.device()).unwrap(), payload); // Write to native host memory.
    // Run the sigmoid operation, provided by the NN Plugin, on your CUDA enabled GPU.
    backend.sigmoid(&mut x, &mut result).unwrap();
    // See the result.
    println!("{:?}", result.get(native.device()).unwrap().as_native().unwrap().as_slice::<f32>());


At the moment Coaster itself will provide Rust APIs for the important frameworks - OpenCL and CUDA. One step we are looking out for is to seperate OpenCL and CUDA into their own crate. Something similar to Glium.

Every operation exposed via a Plugin and implemented on the backend, should take as the last argument an Option<OperationConfig> to specify custom parallelisation behaviour and tracking the operation via events.

When initializing a new Backend from a BackendConfig you might not want to specify the Framework, which is currently mandatory. Leaving it blank, the Backend would try to use the most potent Framework given the underlying hardware, which would be probably in this order Cuda -> OpenCL -> Native. The setup might take longer, as every framework needs to be checked, and devices be loaded in order to identify the best setup. But this would allow, that you really could deploy a Coaster-backed application to almost any hardware - server, desktops, mobiles.


pub use crate::backend::*;
pub use crate::device::IDevice;
pub use crate::device::IMemory;
pub use crate::hardware::IHardware;
pub use crate::hardware::HardwareType;
pub use crate::framework::IFramework;
pub use crate::tensor::SharedTensor;
pub use crate::tensor::TensorDesc;
pub use crate::tensor::ITensorDesc;
pub use crate::tensor::IntoTensorDesc;
pub use crate::frameworks::Native;
pub use crate::error::Error;



Provides the interface for running parallel computations on one ore many devices.


Provides the generic functionality for a backend-specific implementation of a [library][libraries]. [libraries]: ../libraries/index.html


Provides a representation for one or many ready to use hardwares.


Defines the general set of error types in Coaster.


Provides the generic functionality of a hardware supporting frameworks such as native CPU, OpenCL, CUDA, etc.. [hardware]: ../hardware/index.html


Exposes the specific Framework implementations.


Provides a representation for a collection of available compute units e.g. CPUs or GPUs.


Provides the generic functionality for backend-agnostic operations.


Provides helpers for explicit implementations of Backend [Operations][operation]. [operation]: ../operation/index.html


A module meant to be glob imported when using Coaster.


Provides the functionality for memory management across devices.