Crate coachman[][src]

Expand description

coachman is a rust asynchronous task manager built on top of tokio framework.


  • Task count control: coachman allows you to control task count preventing your application from uncontrolled task count explosion.
  • Task cancellation: The main feature of coachman is task cancellation. It provides a simple api for making your task cancelable.

Basic example

The main feature of coachman is making asynchronous tasks cancelable. Look at the following example:

use coachman as cm;
use coachman::{try_await, Canceled, Completed, TaskError};

async fn inner_func(i: usize, duration: u64) {
    match try_await!(tokio::time::sleep(std::time::Duration::from_secs(duration))) {
        Canceled => println!("task#{} inner canceled", i),
        Completed(_) => println!("task#{} inner completed", i),

async fn outer_func(i: usize, duration: u64) {
    match try_await!(inner_func(i, duration)) {
        Canceled => println!("task#{} outer canceled", i),
        Completed(_) => println!("task#{} outer completed", i),

#[tokio::main(flavor = "current_thread")]
async fn main() {
    let mut task_handles = Vec::new();
    for i in 0..5 {
        let duration = i as u64;
        task_handles.push(cm::spawn(outer_func(i, duration)));

    let deadline = tokio::time::Instant::now() + std::time::Duration::from_secs(2);
    for (i, mut handle) in task_handles.into_iter().enumerate() {
        if tokio::time::timeout_at(deadline, &mut handle).await.is_ok() {
            println!("task-{} completed", i);
        } else {
            match handle.await {
                Result::Err(TaskError::Canceled) => println!("task-{} canceled", i),
                Result::Err(TaskError::Aborted) => println!("task-{} aborted", i),
                Result::Err(TaskError::Panicked(_)) => println!("task-{} panicked", i),
                Result::Ok(_) => unreachable!(),


pub use macros::AwaitResult;
pub use macros::AwaitResult::Canceled;
pub use macros::AwaitResult::Completed;
pub use manager::TaskManager;
pub use manager::TaskManagerBuilder;
pub use task::is_task_canceled;
pub use task::spawn;
pub use task::TaskError;
pub use task::TaskHandle;


coachman package macros.

Task manager implementation.

Cancelable task implementation. This module contains methods for spawning cancelable tasks and interfaces to manage them.


Similar to await keywords but support cancellation. If current task has been canceled try_await! returns Canceled otherwise it waits for the future readiness and returns Completed where T is the result of the future.