[][src]Function cmsis_dsp_sys_pregenerated::arm_dct4_init_f32

pub unsafe extern "C" fn arm_dct4_init_f32(
    S: *mut arm_dct4_instance_f32,
    S_RFFT: *mut arm_rfft_instance_f32,
    S_CFFT: *mut arm_cfft_radix4_instance_f32,
    N: u16,
    Nby2: u16,
    normalize: float32_t
) -> Type

@brief Initialization function for the floating-point DCT4/IDCT4. @param[in,out] S points to an instance of floating-point DCT4/IDCT4 structure. @param[in] S_RFFT points to an instance of floating-point RFFT/RIFFT structure. @param[in] S_CFFT points to an instance of floating-point CFFT/CIFFT structure. @param[in] N length of the DCT4. @param[in] Nby2 half of the length of the DCT4. @param[in] normalize normalizing factor. @return arm_status function returns ARM_MATH_SUCCESS if initialization is successful or ARM_MATH_ARGUMENT_ERROR if fftLenReal is not a supported transform length.