Module cmpb::tbft

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  • BlockVotes represents votes as key-value form
  • ConsensusState represents the state of tbft instance
  • FetchRoundQC defined a fetch roundQC request which can be gossiped to other node
  • GossipState represents the state of tbft instance
  • HeightRoundVoteSet represents voteSet of a height
  • Proposal defined a consesensus proposal which can be gossiped to other node and can be serilized for persistent store.
  • RoundQC represents the max round of qc
  • RoundVoteSet represents voteSet of a round
  • TimeoutInfo represents the timeout event
  • ValidatorSet represents the set of validators
  • Vote represents a tbft vote
  • VoteSet represents a set of vote at height and round
  • WalEntry represents the log entry in Wal


  • Step represents the step in a round
  • TBFTMsgType defines different type message in tbft
  • VoteType represents the type of vote
  • WalEntryType represents different types of entries in Wal