Crate cml_cip25_wasm

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  • A String that may or may not be chunked into 64-byte chunks to be able to conform to Cardano TX Metadata limitations. Most users should simply use CIP25ChunkableString::from_string() and CIP25ChunkableString::to_string() and avoid the explicit single/chunk interface:
  • This is the entire metadata schema for CIP-25 It can be parsed by passing in the CBOR bytes of the entire transaction metadata or by passing in an existing Metadata struct. Parsing from CBOR bytes should be marginally faster.
  • A String of at most 64 bytes. This is to conform with Cardano metadata restrictions.


  • Which version of the CIP25 spec to use. See CIP25 for details. This will change how things are encoded but for the most part contains the same information.