initSidebarItems({"fn":[["fuse","Fuses together the output streams of multiple clocked receivers into another clocked stream."],["new","Creates a new clocked dispatch. Dispatch channels can be constructed by calling `new` on the returned dispatcher."]],"struct":[["ClockedBroadcaster","A sending half of a clocked synchronous channel that only allows broadcast. This half can only be owned by one thread, but it can be cloned to send to other threads. A `ClockedBroadcaster` can be constructed from a `ClockedSender` using `ClockedSender::to_broadcaster`."],["ClockedReceiver","The receiving half of a clocked synchronous channel."],["ClockedSender","The sending half of a clocked synchronous channel. This half can only be owned by one thread, but it can be cloned to send to other threads."],["Dispatcher","Dispatch coordinator for adding additional clocked channels."]]});