[][src]Macro clishe::dispatchers

macro_rules! dispatchers {
            $name:ident(self, _: &mut $context_ty:ty) -> Result<$ret_ty:ty> [
                $($(#[$sub_meta:meta])? $sub_name:ident: $sub_ty:ty,)*
    ) => { ... };

Defines a DSL to introduce subcommand dispatcher commands.

All commands which have children in the command hierarchy are dispatchers. This means they do not implement any custom logic, they just contain 1 or more subcommands (they can contain 0 but that would be pointless, as place-holders maybe.)

The DSL is as follows:

This example is not tested
use ::clishe::prelude::*;
pub struct Context(u64);
dispatchers! {
//    vvvv any clap attribute available on clap commands are available here
    #[clap(author = "Louis Feuvrier <mqnfred@gmail.com>")]
//  vvvv name of the command in the code
//       ^^^^ same as for the commands! macro rule

//             v fixed, these dispatcher commands cannot modify the context
    CRUD(self, _: &mut crate::Context
//                ^^^^ mutability has been decided already, this is mandatory

//         ::anyhow::Result, from prelude vvvvvv     v attention, square brackets
    CRUD(self, _: &mut crate::Context) -> Result<()> [
//          return type of the command hierarchy ^^
//        vvvv any clap attribute available on clap commands are available here
        #[clap(about = "storing of integers in contexts")]
//        ^^^^ those clap attributes combine. this one gets priority on the other one
//      vvvvv default name of the command
        Store: store::Store,
//             ^^^^^^^^^^^^ path to the object implementing ::clishe::Command
//  ^^ square bracket, with a mandatory comma