Function clippy_lints::utils::span_lint_and_sugg [] [src]

pub fn span_lint_and_sugg<'a, 'tcx: 'a, T: LintContext<'tcx>>(
    cx: &'a T,
    lint: &'static Lint,
    sp: Span,
    msg: &str,
    help: &str,
    sugg: String

Add a span lint with a suggestion on how to fix it.

These suggestions can be parsed by rustfix to allow it to automatically fix your code. In the example below, help is "try" and sugg is the suggested replacement ".any(|x| x > 2)".

error: This `.fold` can be more succinctly expressed as `.any`
--> $DIR/
390 |     let _ = (0..3).fold(false, |acc, x| acc || x > 2);
    |                   ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ help: try: `.any(|x| x > 2)`
    = note: `-D fold-any` implied by `-D warnings`