[][src]Function clingo_sys::clingo_options_add

pub unsafe extern "C" fn clingo_options_add(
    options: *mut clingo_options_t,
    group: *const c_char,
    option: *const c_char,
    description: *const c_char,
    parse: Option<unsafe extern "C" fn(value: *const c_char, data: *mut c_void) -> bool>,
    data: *mut c_void,
    multi: bool,
    argument: *const c_char
) -> bool

! Add an option that is processed with a custom parser. ! ! Note that the parser also has to take care of storing the semantic value of ! the option somewhere. ! ! Parameter option specifies the name(s) of the option. ! For example, "ping,p" adds the short option "-p" and its long form "--ping". ! It is also possible to associate an option with a help level by adding "@l" to the option specification. ! Options with a level greater than zero are only shown if the argument to help is greater or equal to l. ! ! @param[in] options object to register the option with ! @param[in] group options are grouped into sections as given by this string ! @param[in] option specifies the command line option ! @param[in] description the description of the option ! @param[in] parse callback to parse the value of the option ! @param[in] data user data for the callback ! @param[in] multi whether the option can appear multiple times on the command-line ! @param[in] argument optional string to change the value name in the generated help output ! @return whether the call was successful