Trait clierr::DescribeErr [] [src]

pub trait DescribeErr: Sized {
    type Described;
    fn describe_err<D>(self, description: D) -> Self::Described where D: Into<Cow<'static, str>>;
    fn describe_err_with<F, D>(self, with: F) -> Self::Described where F: FnOnce() -> D, D: Into<Cow<'static, str>>;

A trait which enables adding a description to any Result by wrapping its error type in an Error

An implementation is provided for Result<S, E: std::errror::Error and it's not really meant to be implemented for anything else (unless you're using some kind of custom Result type).

Associated Types

type Described

The result of describing the Result's error.

Required Methods

fn describe_err<D>(self, description: D) -> Self::Described where D: Into<Cow<'static, str>>

Wraps the error contained by Self in an Error with the given description.

fn describe_err_with<F, D>(self, with: F) -> Self::Described where F: FnOnce() -> D, D: Into<Cow<'static, str>>

Same as describe_err, but defer the construction of the description until it's actually needed (i.e. only in the error case for a Result).
