var searchIndex = {}; searchIndex["clierr"] = {"doc":"A small library which provides convenient, non-panicking error handling for small CLI scripts.","items":[[3,"Error","clierr","A minimalist error type to use in CLI scripts: it wraps an arbitrary cause which implements\n`std::error::Error` and a description for the `Display` implementation.",null,null],[5,"run_and_exit","","Runs a `Result`-returning function and exits the process with 0 if successful.",null,{"inputs":[{"name":"f"}],"output":null}],[8,"DescribeErr","","A trait which enables adding a description to any `Result` by wrapping its error type in an\n`Error`",null,null],[16,"Described","","The result of describing the `Result`'s error.",0,null],[10,"describe_err","","Wraps the error contained by `Self` in an `Error` with the given description.",0,null],[10,"describe_err_with","","Same as `describe_err`, but defer the construction of the description until it's actually\nneeded (i.e. only in the error case for a `Result`).",0,null],[11,"fmt","","",1,null],[11,"new","","Creates a new `Error` with a description and a cause.",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"s"},{"name":"e"}],"output":{"name":"error"}}],[11,"with_description","","Creates a new error with a descrption but no cause. Useful for validation specific\nerrors where there's no underlying error (e.g. CLI timeout argument must be\ngreater than zero).",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"s"}],"output":{"name":"error"}}],[11,"caused_by","","Creates a new error with a cause, but no description. The `Display` implementation\nforwards to that of `cause` in this case.",1,{"inputs":[{"name":"e"}],"output":{"name":"error"}}],[11,"fmt","","",1,null],[11,"description","","",1,null],[11,"cause","","",1,null],[14,"ctry!","","Like `try!`, but in the error case the error is wrapped in an `Error` with a given description\n(which can be specified using `format_args!` syntax).",null,null],[14,"ccheck!","","Like `assert!` but instead of panicking it early-returns an `Error` with a given description\n(which can be specified using `format_args!` syntax).",null,null]],"paths":[[8,"DescribeErr"],[3,"Error"]]}; initSearch(searchIndex);