Crate cli_test_dir [] [src]

This crate makes it easier to write integration tests for CLI applications. It's based on the "workdir" pattern used by BurntSushi's xsv and ripgrep crates, but packaged in an easy-to-reuse form.

To use this crate, add the following lines to your Cargo.toml file:

# You can replace "*" with the current version of this crate.
cli_test_dir = "*"

Then add the following at the top of tests/

extern crate cli_test_dir;

Once this is done, you can set up a simple test.

use cli_test_dir::TestDir;

fn write_output_file() {
    let testdir = TestDir::new("mybin", "write_output_file");
    let status = testdir.cmd()
        .expect("could not run mybin");


Your feedback and contributions are welcome! Please see GitHub for details.



This code is inspired by the WorkDir pattern that BurntSushi uses to test CLI tools like ripgrep and xsv.