[][src]Module ckb_rpc::module

CKB RPC modules

This RPC document is generated by Rust Doc, so it will take some concept conversions to map from the Rust structures to the JSONRPC.


The section Traits lists all the RPC modules. CKB allows enabling and disabling RPC methods by modules. The default enabled ones are enabled modules are "Net", "Pool", "Miner", "Chain", "Stats", "Subscription", "Experiment". As you can see, the Rpc suffix is removed in the config file.

The section Required methods lists all the RPC methods in the module. See module PoolRpc.

Use the RPC send_transaction in the module PoolRpc as an example.

fn send_transaction(
               `-- JSONRPC method name
      `-- ignore this

  | tx: Transaction,
  | outputs_validator: Option<OutputsValidator>
      `-- Request params list as pairs of "name: Type"

) -> Result<H256>;
             `-- Response Type
  • send_transaction - The JSONRPC method name.
  • tx: Transaction - The first param in the request params list which name is tx and type is Transaction. The type links to the JSON object definition of a CKB transaction.
  • outputs_validator: Option<OutputsValidator> - The second param. The Option shows that this argument is optional. The document for OutputsValidator shows that outputs_validator is an enum type which possible values include "default" and "passthrough".
  • -> Result<H256> - The type inside the Result after -> is the response type. In this example, it is H256 which is a 32-bytes binary encoded as a hex string.

The RPC errors are documented in RPCError.

JSONRPC Deprecation Process

A CKB RPC method is deprecated in three steps.

First, the method is marked as deprecated in the CKB release notes and RPC document. However, the RPC method is still available. The RPC document will have the suggestion of alternative solutions.

The CKB dev team will disable any deprecated RPC methods starting from the next minor version release. Users can enable the deprecated methods via the config file option rpc.enable_deprecated_rpc.

Once a deprecated method is disabled, the CKB dev team will remove it in a future minor version release.

For example, a method is marked as deprecated in 0.35.0, it can be disabled in 0.36.0 and removed in 0.37.0. The minor versions are released monthly, so there's at least a two-month buffer for a deprecated RPC method.

JSON Cheatsheet

CKB uses a framework to serialize into and deserialize from JSON. Some Rust std-lib structures will be used in requests and responses. The following cheatsheet shows how to map them into JSON values.

Option<T>either null or T
Vec<T>array of T

CKB RPC does not use JSON numbers because of the precision problem. Float point numbers are not used in the RPC, and integers are encoded as 0x-prefixed hex string such as 0x10 for decimal value 16.

The other types will have their own documentation pages. Unless the JSON format is explicitly described in the documentation page, the rust Struct is serialized as a JSON object, and Enum is serialized as a JSON string.

For example, OutPoint is a struct having the following fields

tx_hash: H256
index: Uint32

An example OutPoint JSON looks like

  "index": "0xffffffff",
   "tx_hash": "0x0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000"

Status is a Rust enum

pub enum Status {

The enum values are represented as JSON strings in the lowercase, underscore-concatenated form. So, in JSON, Status can be one of "pending", "proposed" or "committed".



RPC Module Alert for network alerts.


RPC Module Chain for methods related to the canonical chain.


RPC Module Experiment for experimenting methods.


RPC Module Indexer which index cells by lock script hash.


RPC Module Miner for miners.


RPC Module Net for P2P network.


RPC Module Pool for transaction memory pool.


RPC Module Stats for getting various statistic data.


RPC Module Subscription that CKB node will push new messages to subscribers.