Expand description

Bundles resources in the ckb binary.

This crate bundles the files ckb.toml, ckb-miner.toml, default.db-options, and all files in the directory specs in the binary.

The bundled files can be read via Resource::Bundled, for example:

// Read bundled ckb.toml
use ckb_resource::{Resource, CKB_CONFIG_FILE_NAME};

let ckb_toml_bytes = Resource::bundled(CKB_CONFIG_FILE_NAME.to_string()).get().unwrap();
println!("ckb.toml\n{}", String::from_utf8(ckb_toml_bytes.to_vec()).unwrap());

These bundled files can be customized for different chains using spec branches. See Template.


The error type for I/O operations of the Read, Write, Seek, and associated traits.

A simple template which supports spec branches and variables.

The context used to expand the Template.


Represents a resource, which is either bundled in the CKB binary or resident in the local file system.


The list of bundled chain specs.

CKB config file name.

Data hash of the cell containing DAO type script.

Data hash of the cell containing secp256k1 blake160 multisig all lock script.

Data hash of the cell containing secp256k1 blake160 sighash all lock script.

Data hash of the cell containing secp256k1 data.

The file name of the generated RocksDB options file.

The default P2P listen port 8115.

The default RPC listen port 8114.

Default chain spec.

CKB miner config file name.

The relative spec file path for the dev chain.


Type Definitions

A specialized Result type for I/O operations.