Module cita_vm::native

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List of precompiled contracts:

  1. Recovery of ECDSA signature
  2. Hash function SHA256
  3. Hash function RIPEMD160
  4. Identity Since Byzantium fork
  5. Modular exponentiation
  6. Addition on elliptic curve alt_bn128
  7. Scalar multiplication on elliptic curve alt_bn128
  8. Checking a pairing equation on curve alt_bn128


  • BigModExp implements a native big integer exponential modular operation.
  • Bn256Add implements a native elliptic curve point addition.
  • Bn256Pairing implements a pairing pre-compile for the bn256 curve
  • Bn256ScalarMul implements a native elliptic curve point addition.
  • ECRECOVER implemented as a native contract.
  • RIPEMD160 implemented as a native contract.
  • SHA256 implemented as a native contract.



  • Check if an address is pre-compiled contract.
  • Function get returns a pre-compiled contract by given address.