cinc_server_exporter 0.1.5

A prometheus exporter for CINC Server and CINC compatible configuration management solutions.
cinc_server_exporter-0.1.5 is not a library.

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About The Project

While working at my current gig I found we were lacking some metrics to gain a deeper visibility in to our infrastructure. I built this exporter to fill some of those gaps.

Getting Started

This project assumes you have cinc-server installed with the default database settings.


  1. Switch to the database user
    sudo su - opscode-pgsql
  2. pull latest release
    wget # automated builds/releases coming soon
  3. run the service
  4. test
    curl http://localhost:9165/metrics

Development Setup

Recommended prerequesites

  • nix
  • direnv

Building and running

  1. Pull latest code

    git clone
  2. Enter project directory

    cd cinc_server_exporter
  3. Allow direnv and let nix to do it's thing

    devenv init
  4. Update .envrc with any configuration options, most importantly the host= string should be set to the current working directory of the repo plus .devenv/state/postgres which is the default location of where devenv stores the test postgres instance data.

    export CINC_SERVER_EXPORTER_CONN_STRING="host=$(pwd)/.devenv/state/postgres user=rlambert dbname=opscode_chef"
  5. Allow updated direnv

    direnv allow .
  6. Run test database

    devenv up
  7. Import Test Data

    createdb opscode_chef
    psql -U rlambert -d opscode_chef -f test/data/nodes.sql
  8. Run exporter

    cargo run
  9. Scrape

    curl http://localhost:9165/metrics



There are a handful of options to configure the exporter which is done via the following environment variables.

  • CINC_SERVER_EXPORTER_CONN_STRING - Postgres connection string to the CINC database. default: host=localhost user=opscode-pgsql dbname=opscode_chef
  • CINC_SERVER_EXPORTER_INTERVAL - Interval to scrape the database in seconds. default: 15
  • CINC_SERVER_EXPORTER_LISTEN_ADDR - Listen address for the exporter. default:
  • CINC_SERVER_EXPORTER_LISTEN_PORT - Listen TCP port for the exporter. default: 9164

Available Metrics

Current list of available exported metrics

Exporter Level

  • cinc_server_exporter_last_updated - THe UNIX timestamp of the last cache update for the cinc_server_exporter

Server Level

  • cinc_server_node_count - The count of all the nodes stored on the cinc_server

Node Level

  • cinc_server_node_last_updated - Per node, the UNIX timestamp of the last node update


  • axum_http_requests_duration_seconds_bucket
  • axum_http_requests_duration_seconds_count
  • axum_http_requests_duration_seconds_sum
  • axum_http_requests_pending
  • axum_http_requests_total


  • Add changelog
  • Add test data
  • Add tests
  • Document configuration options
  • Add automated builds
  • Add release url to docs

See the open issues for a full list of proposed features (and known issues).


  1. Fork the Project
  2. Create your Feature Branch (git checkout -b feature/AmazingFeature)
  3. Commit your Changes (git commit -m 'Add some AmazingFeature')
  4. Push to the Branch (git push origin feature/AmazingFeature)
  5. Open a Pull Request


Distributed under the MIT License. See LICENSE for more information.


Robert J. Lambert III - Project Link:
