Function chumsky::primitive::filter_map[][src]

pub fn filter_map<I, O, F: Fn(E::Span, I) -> Result<O, E>, E: Error<I>>(
    f: F
) -> FilterMap<F, E>
Expand description

A parser that accepts a input and tests it against the given fallible function.

This function allows integration with custom error types to allow for custom parser errors.


use std::ops::Range;

// A custom error type
#[derive(Debug, PartialEq)]
enum Custom {
    ExpectedFound(Range<usize>, Vec<char>, Option<char>),
    NotADigit(Range<usize>, char),

impl chumsky::Error<char> for Custom {
    type Span = Range<usize>;
    type Label = ();

    fn expected_input_found<Iter: IntoIterator<Item = char>>(
        span: Range<usize>,
        expected: Iter,
        found: Option<char>,
    ) -> Self {
        Self::ExpectedFound(span, expected.into_iter().collect(), found)

    fn with_label(mut self, label: Self::Label) -> Self { self }

    fn merge(mut self, mut other: Self) -> Self {
        if let (Self::ExpectedFound(_, expected, _), Self::ExpectedFound(_, expected_other, _)) = (
            &mut self,
            &mut other,
        ) {

let numeral = filter_map(|span, c: char| match c.to_digit(10) {
    Some(x) => Ok(x),
    None => Err(Custom::NotADigit(span, c)),

assert_eq!(numeral.parse("3"), Ok(3));
assert_eq!(numeral.parse("7"), Ok(7));
assert_eq!(numeral.parse("f"), Err(vec![Custom::NotADigit(0..1, 'f')]));