initSidebarItems({"enum":[["ParseError","Simple error type returned from `parse_only`."]],"fn":[["parse_only","Runs the given parser on the supplied finite input."]],"macro":[["parse!","Macro emulating `do`-notation for the parser monad, automatically threading the linear type."],["parser!","Macro wrapping an invocation to ``parse!`` in a closure, useful for creating parsers inline."]],"mod":[["ascii","Utilities and parsers for dealing with ASCII data in `u8` format."],["buffer","Utilities for parsing streams of data."],["combinators","Basic combinators."],["parsers","Basic parsers."],["primitives","Module used to construct fundamental parsers and combinators."]],"struct":[["Input","Linear type containing the parser state, this type is threaded though `bind` and is also the initial type passed to a parser."],["ParseResult","The basic return type of a parser."]],"type":[["SimpleResult","Result returned from the basic parsers."],["U8Result","Result for dealing with the basic parsers when parsing a stream of `u8`."]]});