initSidebarItems({"enum":[["Error","Common error for the basic Chomp parsers, verbose version."]],"fn":[["any","Matches any item, returning it if present."],["eof","Matches the end of the input."],["not_token","Matches a single token as long as it is not equal to `t`, returning the match on success."],["peek","Matches any item but does not consume it, on success it gives ``Some`` but if no input remains ``None`` is produced."],["peek_next","Matches any item but does not consume it."],["run_scanner","Like `scan` but generalized to return the final state of the scanner."],["satisfy","Matches an item using ``f``, the item is returned if ``f`` yields true, otherwise this parser fails."],["satisfy_with","Reads a single token, applies the transformation `F` and then succeeds with the transformed valeue if the predicate `P` yields true on this transformed value."],["scan","The predicate consumes and transforms a state argument, this parser will match everything until the predicate returns `None`."],["string","Matches the given slice against the parser, returning the matched slice upon success."],["take","Matches ``num`` items no matter what they are, returning a slice of the matched items."],["take_remainder","Matches the remainder of the buffer and returns it, always succeeds."],["take_till","Matches all items until ``f`` returns true, all items to that point will be returned as a slice upon success."],["take_while","Matches all items while ``f`` returns false, returns a slice of all the matched items."],["take_while1","Matches all items while ``f`` returns true, if at least one item matched this parser succeeds and returns a slice of all the matched items."],["token","Matches a single token, returning the match on success."]]});