Module challenge_bypass_ristretto::oprf[][src]


A BlindedToken is sent to the server for signing.

A PublicKey is a committment by the server to a particular SigningKey.

A SignedToken is the result of signing a BlindedToken.

A SigningKey is used to sign a BlindedToken and verify an UnblindedToken.

A Token consists of a randomly chosen preimage and blinding factor.

A TokenPreimage is a slice of bytes which can be hashed to a RistrettoPoint.

An UnblindedToken is the result of unblinding a SignedToken.

The shared VerificationKey for proving / verifying the validity of an UnblindedToken.

A VerificationSignature which can be verified given the VerificationKey and message


The length of a BlindedToken, in bytes.

The length of a PublicKey, in bytes.

The length of a SignedToken, in bytes.

The length of a SigningKey, in bytes.

The length of a Token, in bytes.

The length of a TokenPreimage, in bytes.

The length of a UnblindedToken, in bytes.

The length of a VerificationSignature, in bytes.