Expand description

endpoint 2 control


Register UEP2_T_CTRL reader
endpoint 2 control
Register UEP2_T_CTRL writer

Type Definitions

Field MASK_UEP_T_RES reader - bit mask of handshake response type for USB endpoint X transmittal (IN)
Field MASK_UEP_T_RES writer - bit mask of handshake response type for USB endpoint X transmittal (IN)
Field USBHD_UEP_AUTO_TOG reader - enable automatic toggle after successful transfer completion on endpoint 1/2/3: 0=manual toggle, 1=automatic toggle
Field USBHD_UEP_AUTO_TOG writer - enable automatic toggle after successful transfer completion on endpoint 1/2/3: 0=manual toggle, 1=automatic toggle
Field USBHD_UEP_T_TOG reader - prepared data toggle flag of USB endpoint X transmittal (IN): 0=DATA0, 1=DATA1
Field USBHD_UEP_T_TOG writer - prepared data toggle flag of USB endpoint X transmittal (IN): 0=DATA0, 1=DATA1