initSidebarItems({"mod":[["cycles","Cycle detection and elimination."],["history","Any data carried alongside a grammar rule can be its _history_. Rule histories may contain more than semantic actions."],["precedence","Precedenced rules are built with the builder pattern."],["prediction","Prediction for predictive parsers."],["remap","Remaps symbols and removes unused symbols."],["rule","This module defines grammar rules. Each rule in a context-free grammar consists of a single symbol on its left-hand side and an array of symbols on its right-hand side. In this library, each rule carries additional value called \"history.\""],["sequence","Sequences are similar to regex repetitions with numbering."],["symbol","A type that can represent symbols in a context-free grammar. Symbols are distinguished by their IDs."],["usefulness","Analysis of rule usefulness."]],"struct":[["BinarizedCfg","Representation for grammars where right-hand sides of all rules have at most two symbols."],["Cfg","Basic representation of context-free grammars."],["Symbol","A common grammar symbol type."]],"trait":[["ContextFree","Trait for context-free grammars."],["ContextFreeMut","Allows access to a ContextFreeRef through mutable references."],["ContextFreeRef","This trait is currently needed to make the associated `Rules` iterator generic over a lifetime parameter."]]});