try to consolidate shapes. If one AABB and convex hull (a) totally engulfs another shape (b)
we put shape (b) inside (a)
Group input edges into connected shapes
Calculate an affine transform that will center, flip plane to XY, and scale the arbitrary shape
so that it will fill the screen. For good measure the scale is then multiplied by 256 so the
points makes half decent input data to boost voronoi (integer input only)
‘desired_voronoi_dimension’ is the maximum length of the voronoi input data aabb
boost_voronoi uses integers as input so float vertices have to be scaled up substantially to
maintain numerical precision
Calculate an affine transform that will center, flip plane to XY, and scale the arbitrary shape
so that it will fill the screen. For good measure the scale is then multiplied by 256 so the
points makes half decent input data to boost voronoi (integer input only)
‘desired_voronoi_dimension’ is the maximum length of the voronoi input data aabb
boost_voronoi uses integers as input so float vertices have to be scaled up substantially to
maintain numerical precision