Macro cell_family::define

source ·
macro_rules! define {
        $( #[$attr: meta] )*
        $vis: vis static type $family_name: ident $(: $owner_ident: ident)? $(for $cell_ident: ident<$t: ident>)?

        $( ; $( $rest: tt )* )?
    ) => { ... };
        $( #[$attr: meta] )*
        $vis: vis unsafe static type $family_name: ident $(: $owner_ident: ident)? $(for $cell_ident: ident<$t: ident>)?

        $( ; $( $rest: tt )* )?
    ) => { ... };
        $( #[$attr: meta] )*
        $vis: vis type $family_name: ident $(: $owner_ident: ident)? $(for $cell_ident: ident<$t: ident>)?

        $( ; $( $rest: tt )* )?
    ) => { ... };
        $( #[$attr: meta] )*
        $vis: vis unsafe type $family_name: ident $(: $owner_ident: ident)? $(for $cell_ident: ident<$t: ident>)?

        $( ; $( $rest: tt )* )?
    ) => { ... };
    () => { ... };
Expand description

Defines a cell Family, and optional Cell and CellOwner aliases.


Define a family whose CellOwners are thread-local:

cell_family::define! {
    /// Family for Foos.
    pub type FooFamily;


Define a family whose CellOwners are thread-local, and define the alias BarCellOwner for CellOwner<BarFamily> and BarCell<B> for Cell<BarFamily, B>:

cell_family::define! {
    /// Family for Bars.
    pub type BarFamily: BarCellOwner for BarCell<B>;


Define a family whose CellOwners are global, and define the alias BazCellOwner for CellOwner<BazFamily>:

cell_family::define! {
    /// Family for Bars.
    pub static type BazFamily: BazCellOwner;


Define a family whose CellOwners are global, and define the alias QuuxCell<T> for Cell<QuuxFamily, T>; in release builds (cfg!(debug_assertions) is false), all checks are disabled, and the cell behaves like an UnsafeCell<T>:

cell_family::define! {
    /// Family for Quuxes.
    pub unsafe static type QuuxFamily for QuuxCell<T>;