[][src]Crate cc13x2

Peripheral access API for CC2652 microcontrollers (generated using svd2rust v0.17.0)

You can find an overview of the API here.



Common register and bit access and modify traits



Always On (AON) Battery And Temperature MONitor (BATMON) residing in the AON domain Note: This module only supports 32 bit Read/Write access from MCU.


This module configures the event fabric located in the AON domain. Note: This module is only supporting 32 bit ReadWrite access from MCU


Always On (AON) IO Controller - controls IO operation when the MCU IO Controller (IOC) is powered off and resides in the AON domain. Note: This module only supports 32 bit Read/Write access from MCU.


This component control the Power Management controller residing in the AON domain. Note: This module is only supporting 32 bit Read Write access from MCU


This component control the Real Time Clock residing in AON Note: This module is only supporting 32 bit ReadWrite access.


Configuration registers controlling analog peripherals of AUX. Registers Fields should be considered static unless otherwise noted (as dynamic)


AUX Analog Digital Input Output Controller (AUX_AIODIO) controls the general purpose input output pins of the AUX domain. These pins are referenced as AUXIO and can: - be connected to analog AUX modules, such as comparators and ADC. - be used by AUX_SCE. - connect to AUX_SPIM SCLK, MISO and MOSI signals. - connect to the asynchronous AUX event bus. Enabled digital inputs are synchronized at SCE clock rate. Note that the IO mapping in the AUX domain is different from the IO mapping in the MCU domain. This means that AUXIO[n] does not map to DIO[n]. AUXIO-DIO remapping is handled by Sensor Controller Studio.


AUX Analog Digital Input Output Controller (AUX_AIODIO) controls the general purpose input output pins of the AUX domain. These pins are referenced as AUXIO and can: - be connected to analog AUX modules, such as comparators and ADC. - be used by AUX_SCE. - connect to AUX_SPIM SCLK, MISO and MOSI signals. - connect to the asynchronous AUX event bus. Enabled digital inputs are synchronized at SCE clock rate. Note that the IO mapping in the AUX domain is different from the IO mapping in the MCU domain. This means that AUXIO[n] does not map to DIO[n]. AUXIO-DIO remapping is handled by Sensor Controller Studio.


AUX Analog Digital Input Output Controller (AUX_AIODIO) controls the general purpose input output pins of the AUX domain. These pins are referenced as AUXIO and can: - be connected to analog AUX modules, such as comparators and ADC. - be used by AUX_SCE. - connect to AUX_SPIM SCLK, MISO and MOSI signals. - connect to the asynchronous AUX event bus. Enabled digital inputs are synchronized at SCE clock rate. Note that the IO mapping in the AUX domain is different from the IO mapping in the MCU domain. This means that AUXIO[n] does not map to DIO[n]. AUXIO-DIO remapping is handled by Sensor Controller Studio.


AUX Analog Digital Input Output Controller (AUX_AIODIO) controls the general purpose input output pins of the AUX domain. These pins are referenced as AUXIO and can: - be connected to analog AUX modules, such as comparators and ADC. - be used by AUX_SCE. - connect to AUX_SPIM SCLK, MISO and MOSI signals. - connect to the asynchronous AUX event bus. Enabled digital inputs are synchronized at SCE clock rate. Note that the IO mapping in the AUX domain is different from the IO mapping in the MCU domain. This means that AUXIO[n] does not map to DIO[n]. AUXIO-DIO remapping is handled by Sensor Controller Studio.


AUX Analog Interface (AUX_ANAIF) encapsulates direct data and control interfaces between AUX digital and AUX analog circuits. It lets AUX_SCE, UDMA0, and system CPU: -Trigger ADC sample and conversion process. - Write ADC samples to FIFO. - Charge analog nodes by the use of the analog ISRC module. See ADI_4_AUX:ISRC and ADI_4_AUX:COMP.COMPA_REF_CURR_EN for further information. - Use the DAC to generate a programmable voltage on COMPB_REF, COMPA_REF, or COMPA_IN analog nodes. To use: - ADC : AUX_SCE must request active operational mode with AON_PMCTL:AUXSCECLK.SRC set to SCLK_HFDIV2. There are no requirements for system CPU. - ISRC : AUX_SCE must request active operational mode. There are no requirements for system CPU. - DAC : AUX_SCE must set AUX_SYSIF:PEROPRATE.ANAIF_DAC_OP_RATE to SCE_RATE as long as DAC state machine generates the sample clock. System CPU must set AUX_SYSIF:PEROPRATE.ANAIF_DAC_OP_RATE to BUS_RATE as long as DAC state machine generates the sample clock. See DACSMPLCTL.EN for further information.


This is the DDI for the digital block that controls all the analog clock oscillators (OSC_DIG) and performs qualification of the clocks generated.


AUX Event Controller (AUX_EVCTL) assembles events originating from: - AUX submodules, including ADC and comparators. - AUXIO. - EVENT. - AON_PMCTL. - AON_RTC. - AON_BATMON. into two 64-bit event buses. One is synchronized to the AUX clock and one is left unsynchronized. The subscribers to the synchronous event bus are AUX_TIMER01, AUX_SCE and AUX_EVCTL. The subscribers to the asynchronous event bus are AUX_TIMER2, AUX_ANAIF, AUX_TDC and AUX_SYSIF. AUX_EVCTL uses the synchronous event bus to generate events to AON_EVENT and EVENT, as well as to AUX_SCE. AUX_SCE can poll event status registers and combine certain instructions like WEV0, WEV1 with one or two configurable events. The latter saves power when execution must stall until a condition is met.


The AUX Multiply-Accumulate (AUX_MAC) peripheral enables AUX_SCE with power-efficient and flexible mathematical operations: - 2's complement signed and unsigned sequential multiplication (MUL) with optional accumulation of the result (MAC). - 16 or 32-bit 2's complement signed and unsigned addition of configurable term and accumulator (ADD). - Results of ADD, MUL and MAC operations are always stored in the accumulator (ACC). Software can easily: - Access arbitrary 16-bit slice of the 40-bit accumulator. - Find the number of leading zero or sign bits. - Perform shift operations on the accumulator. AUX_SCE must set AUX_SYSIF:PEROPRATE.MAC_OP_RATE to SCE_RATE to access and use AUX_MAC. System CPU must set AUX_SYSIF:PEROPRATE.MAC_OP_RATE to BUS_RATE to access and use AUX_MAC. This guarantees constant execution times for ADD, MUL, and MAC operations. The ADD operation requires a single peripheral clock cycle to finish. MUL and MAC operations require four peripheral clock periods to finish. An unfinished ADD, MUL, or MAC operation stalls register access to this peripheral. AUX_SCE becomes clock gated if it encounters a bus stall. Software can use this to reduce power consumption during back to back accesses. Only full word access is supported by the peripheral. An attempt to write a single byte will have no effect.


AUX Sensor Control Engine (AUX_SCE) is a RISC-style microprocessor with separate fetch and execution cycles. It is optimized for low power and simple operations. AUX_SCE code and data segments are stored in AUX_RAM. AON_PMCTL:AUXSCECLK sets the operational frequency.


AUX Semaphore (AUX_SMPH) provides hardware means to share modules in AUX safely between CPUs based on resource ownership. AUX_SMPH operates at AUX bus rate.


The AUX Serial Peripheral Interface Master (AUX_SPIM) enables AUX_SCE with power-efficient SPI communication. It is not possible to write a register while SPI transmission occurs. An attempt to do so will stall the bus until transmission is complete. Read of RX8.DATA or RX16.DATA stalls the bus until LSB has been captured. Read of SCLKIDLE.STAT or DATAIDLE.STAT stalls the bus until condition described is met. Other read operations do not stall the bus. AUX_SCE becomes clock gated if it encounters a bus stall. This is useful as AUX_SCE can write TX8.DATA and then read RX8.DATA immediately to read a SPI slave. In such case there is no need for software to wait or to poll registers. AUX_SYSIF:PEROPRATE.SPIM_OP_RATE selects the peripheral clock frequency which is used to derive the SCLK frequency. AUX_SCE must set AUX_SYSIF:PEROPRATE.SPIM_OP_RATE to SCE_RATE to access and use AUX_SPIM. System CPU must set AUX_SYSIF:PEROPRATE.SPIM_OP_RATE to BUS_RATE to access and use AUX_SPIM. Failure to do so can result in incorrect SPI transmission.


AUX System Interface (AUX_SYSIF) is responsible for: - system resource requests, such as power supply, clock and, wakeup requests. - configuration of AUX peripheral operational rates for AUX_SPIM, AUX_MAC, AUX_ANAIF DAC state machine and AUX_TIMER01. - configuration of event synchronization rate for AUX_EVCTL:EVSTAT2 and AUX_EVCTL:EVSTAT3. - configuration of AUX_SCE wakeup vectors that trigger AUX_SCE execution from sleep. Peripheral operational rate for AUX modules mentioned above can either be: - SCE rate, which is configured in AON_PMCTL:AUXSCECLK. - AUX bus rate, which equals SCE rate or SCLK_HF divided by two when MCU domain is active or AUX operational mode is active. AUX_SYSIF also interfaces AON_RTC and AON_BATMON to enable read access to data and sub-second increment control of AON_RTC.


AUX Time To Digital Converter (AUX_TDC) is used to measure the time between two events with high resolution. AUX_TDC consists of a state machine that operates at AUX bus rate and an asynchronous fast-counter which is clocked by the TDC clock. DDI_0_OSC:CTL0.ACLK_TDC_SRC_SEL configures TDC clock source. The fast-counter counts on both edges of the TDC clock to double the resolution. See the Technical Reference Manual for event timing requirements.


AUX Timer 0 and AUX Timer 1 (AUX_TIMER01) are two 16-bit timers capable of generating one event each: - AUX_EVCTL:EVSTAT3.AUX_TIMER0_EV. - AUX_EVCTL:EVSTAT3.AUX_TIMER1_EV. The events are described in T0TARGET and T1TARGET. Subscribers to the AUX event bus can use these events to sequence and trigger actions. AUX_SYSIF:PEROPRATE.TIMER01_OP_RATE sets the peripheral clock frequency used by the prescaler, timer, and event logic to SCE or AUX bus rate. To use AUX_TIMER01: - AUX_SCE must set AUX_SYSIF:PEROPRATE.TIMER01_OP_RATE to SCE_RATE. - System CPU must set AUX_SYSIF:PEROPRATE.TIMER01_OP_RATE to BUS_RATE. - The timers must only subscribe to events updated at the peripheral clock frequency or lower. Unexpected execution behavior can result if software does not obey these rules.


AUX Timer2 (AUX_TIMER2) offers flexible: - generation of waveforms and events. - capture of signal period and duty cycle. - generation of single clock pulse. It consists of a: - 16-bit counter. - 4 capture compare channels. - 4 event outputs, which are mapped to AUX event bus, see EVCTL. Each channel subscribes to the asynchronous AUX event bus. They can control one or more event outputs in both capture and compare modes. AUX_SYSIF:TIMER2CLKCTL.SRC selects clock source for the timer.


Cache and branch predictor maintenance operations


Customer configuration area (CCFG)




Cortex-M's Data watchpoint and Trace (DWT)


Cortex-M's Flash Patch and Breakpoint (FPB)


Cortex-M's Instrumentation Trace Macrocell (ITM)


Cortex-M's System Control Space (SCS)


Cortex-M's TI proprietary registers


Cortex-M's Trace Port Interface Unit (TPIU)


DMA Crypto Core is a low power low gate count crypto core with DMA capability and local key storage.


Core peripherals


Debug Control Block


Data Watchpoint and Trace unit


Event Fabric Component Definition


Factory configuration area (FCFG1)


Flash sub-system registers, includes the Flash Memory Controller (FMC), flash read path, and an integrated Efuse controller and EFUSEROM.


Flash Patch and Breakpoint unit


Floating Point Unit


MCU GPIO - I/F for controlling and reading IO status and IO event status


General Purpose Timer.


General Purpose Timer.


General Purpose Timer.


General Purpose Timer.


I2CMaster/Slave Serial Controler


I2S Audio DMA module supporting formats I2S, LJF, RJF and DSP


IO Controller (IOC) - configures all the DIOs and resides in the MCU domain.


Instrumentation Trace Macrocell


Memory Protection Unit


Nested Vector Interrupt Controller


Integrated module which combines the Public Key Acceleration module, optional True Random Gnerator, optional interrupt controller and a standard bus interface


Integrated module which includes the PKA K


Power, Reset and Clock Management


All the peripherals


RF core doorbell The doorbell module is the main user interface to the radio sub-system. It contains the registers used for both submitting commands to the radio, and for configuring radio interrupts from the RF core.


RF core power management This module contains clock control for all RF core sub-modules.


RF core radio timer


System Control Block


MCU Semaphore Module This module provides 32 binary semaphores. The state of a binary semaphore is either taken or available. A semaphore does not implement any ownership attribute. Still, a semaphore can be used to handle mutual exclusion scenarios.


General Purpose RAM


Synchronous Serial Interface with master and slave capabilities


Synchronous Serial Interface with master and slave capabilities


SysTick: System Timer


Trace Port Interface Unit


True Random Number Generator


Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) interface


Universal Asynchronous Receiver/Transmitter (UART) interface


ARM Micro Direct Memory Access Controller


Versatile Instruction Memory System Controls memory access to the Flash and encapsulates the following instruction memories: - Boot ROM - Cache / GPRAM


Watchdog Timer



Enumeration of all the interrupts



Number available in the NVIC for configuring priority