[][src]Macro cb_fut::stream_blocked

macro_rules! stream_blocked {
    ($func_name: ident($($params: expr),*, ->($($c_params: ident),*)->$c_ret: expr)) => { ... };
    ($func_name: ident(->($($c_params: ident),*)->$c_ret: expr, $($params: expr),*)) => { ... };
    ($func_name: ident($($params: expr),+, ->($($c_params: ident),*)->$c_ret: expr, $($more_params: expr),+)) => { ... };

Turn a function call that take a single callback and return nothing into a function call without callback but return an implementation of futures::Stream called CBStreamBlocked.

This macro will spawn a thread to execute the function while maintain the original thread to return a Future to caller.

If the callback will be called only once to return a value, consider using macro once or once_blocked instead.

The function call signature need to have a placeholder for macro to identify a callback parameter. To make it reflect to typical Rust syntax, the callback placeholder is ->(a)->b for a callback that take single parameter and return some value. The reason to choose (a) instead of |a| is because the return Future from this macro will return a (a) tuple thus ->(a) just like regular function return signature but with identifier instead of type. The extra ->b designate the default return expression. It will be automatically call when the generated result is dropped. If caller want to return different value, it can be done by call method return_value. It will prevent the default return from return value twice.

Example usecase:

use futures::stream::StreamExt;
fn func(u: i32, mut cb: impl FnMut(i32, i32)->i32, v: i32) {
    let mut j = 0;
    while j < 5 {
        j = cb(u + j, v * j)
let mut counter = 0;
futures::executor::block_on(cb_fut::stream_blocked!(func(2 * 3, ->(a, b)->0i32, 2 + 3)).enumerate().for_each(|(i, mut fut)| {
    counter += 1;
    async move {
        let (a, b) = *fut;
        assert_eq!(2 * 3 + i as i32, a);
        assert_eq!((2 + 3) * i as i32, b);
        fut.return_value(i as i32 + 1);