Function cassandra_cpp_sys::cass_timestamp_gen_monotonic_new

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pub unsafe extern "C" fn cass_timestamp_gen_monotonic_new() -> *mut CassTimestampGen
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Creates a new monotonically increasing timestamp generator with microsecond precision.

This implementation guarantees a monotonically increasing timestamp. If the timestamp generation rate exceeds one per microsecond or if the clock skews into the past the generator will artificially increment the previously generated timestamp until the request rate decreases or the clock skew is corrected.

By default, this timestamp generator will generate warnings if more than 1 second of clock skew is detected. It will print an error every second until the clock skew is resolved. These settings can be changed by using cass_timestamp_gen_monotonic_new_with_settings() to create the generator instance.

Note: This generator is thread-safe and can be shared by multiple sessions.


@public @memberof CassTimestampGen

@return Returns a timestamp generator that must be freed.

@see cass_timestamp_gen_monotonic_new_with_settings(); @see cass_timestamp_gen_free()