Function cassandra_cpp_sys::cass_result_paging_state_token

source ยท
pub unsafe extern "C" fn cass_result_paging_state_token(
    result: *const CassResult,
    paging_state: *mut *const c_char,
    paging_state_size: *mut usize,
) -> CassError
Expand description

Gets the raw paging state from the result. The paging state is bound to the lifetime of the result object. If paging state needs to live beyond the lifetime of the result object it must be copied.

Warning: The paging state should not be exposed to or come from untrusted environments. The paging state could be spoofed and potentially used to gain access to other data.


@public @memberof CassResult

@param[in] result @param[out] paging_state @param[out] paging_state_size @return CASS_OK if successful, otherwise error occurred

@see cass_statement_set_paging_state_token()