Module casper_types::system::auction[][src]

Expand description

Contains implementation of a Auction contract functionality.


An entry in the validator map.

Represents a party delegating their stake to a validator (or “delegatee”)

Auction metadata. Intended to be recorded at each era.

The seigniorage recipient details.

Unbonding purse.


Errors which can occur while executing the Auction contract.

Information about a seigniorage allocation


Named constant for amount.

Named constant of auction_delay

Named constant for delegation_rate.

Named constant for delegator.

Named constant for delegator_public_key.

Named constant for era_end_timestamp_millis;

Named constant for era_id.

Named constant for evicted_validators;

Named constant for genesis_validators

Named constant for locked_funds_period

Named constant for mint_contract_package_hash

Named constant for account_hash.

Named constant for reward_factors.

Named constant for unbonding_delay

Named constant for validator.

Named constant for validator_keys.

Named constant for validator_public_key.

Named constant for validator_public_keys.

Named constant for validator_purse.

Named constant for validator_slots argument.

Amount of auction delay.

We use one trillion as a block reward unit because it’s large enough to allow precise fractions, and small enough for many block rewards to fit into a u64.

Delegation rate is a fraction between 0-1. Validator sets the delegation rate in integer terms, which is then divided by the denominator to obtain the fraction.

Storage for era-end timestamp.

Storage for EraId.

Initial value of era end timestamp.

Initial value of era id we start at genesis.

Default lock period for new bid entries represented in eras.

Named constant for method activate_bid.

Named constant for method add_bid.

Named constant for method delegate.

Named constant for method distribute.

Named constant for method get_era_validators.

Named constant for method read_era_id.

Named constant for method run_auction.

Named constant for method slash.

Named constant for method undelegate.

Named constant for method withdraw_bid.

Storage for SeigniorageRecipientsSnapshot.

Unbonding delay expressed in eras.

Total validator slots allowed.


Provider of an account related functionality.

Bonding auction contract interface

Provides an access to mint.

Provider of runtime host functionality.

Provides functionality of a contract storage.


Creates auction contract entry points.

Type Definitions

Validators mapped to their bids.

Representation of delegation rate of tokens. Range from 0..=100.

List of era validators

Collection of seigniorage recipients.

Snapshot of SeigniorageRecipients for a given era.

Validators and delegators mapped to their unbonding purses.

Weights of validators. “Weight” in this context means a sum of their stakes.