Expand description

This module contains all the execution related code.


pub use self::balance::BalanceRequest;
pub use self::balance::BalanceResult;
pub use self::deploy_item::DeployItem;
pub use self::engine_config::EngineConfig;
pub use self::engine_config::DEFAULT_MAX_QUERY_DEPTH;
pub use self::engine_config::DEFAULT_MAX_RUNTIME_CALL_STACK_HEIGHT;
pub use self::era_validators::GetEraValidatorsError;
pub use self::era_validators::GetEraValidatorsRequest;
pub use self::executable_deploy_item::ExecutableDeployItem;
pub use self::executable_deploy_item::ExecutableDeployItemIdentifier;
pub use self::execute_request::ExecuteRequest;
pub use self::execution_result::ExecutionResult;
pub use self::execution_result::ExecutionResults;
pub use self::execution_result::ForcedTransferResult;
pub use self::genesis::ExecConfig;
pub use self::genesis::GenesisAccount;
pub use self::genesis::GenesisSuccess;
pub use self::genesis::SystemContractRegistry;
pub use self::get_bids::GetBidsRequest;
pub use self::get_bids::GetBidsResult;
pub use self::query::QueryRequest;
pub use self::query::QueryResult;
pub use self::step::RewardItem;
pub use self::step::SlashItem;
pub use self::step::StepError;
pub use self::step::StepRequest;
pub use self::step::StepSuccess;
pub use self::upgrade::UpgradeConfig;
pub use self::upgrade::UpgradeSuccess;


Types for balance queries.

Units of account-triggered execution.

Support for runtime configuration of the execution engine - as an integral property of the EngineState instance.

Support for querying era validators.

Units of execution.

Code supporting an execution request.

Effects that are produced as part of execution.

Outcome of an ExecutionRequest.

Support for a genesis process.

Support for obtaining current bids from the auction system.

Operations occuring during execution.

Support for global state queries.

Support for legacy RunGenesisRequest/GenesisConfig that is not used by the node’s contract runtime component anymore.

Support for a step method.

Support for applying upgrades on the execution engine.


Main implementation of an execution engine state.

Mint’s transfer arguments.

State of a builder of a TransferArgs.


Engine state errors.

Possible execution errors.

A target mode indicates if a native transfer’s arguments will resolve to an existing purse, or will have to create a new account first.


The maximum amount of motes that payment code execution can cost.

Gas/motes conversion rate of wasmless transfer cost is always 1 regardless of what user wants to pay.


The maximum amount of gas a payment code can use.