Module casper_contract::contract_api::storage[][src]

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Functions for accessing and mutating local and global state.


Adds value to the one currently under uref in the global state.

Add a new version of a contract to the contract stored at the given Key. Note that this contract must have been created by create_contract or create_contract_package_at_hash first.

Create a new (versioned) contract stored under a Key::Hash. Initially there are no versions; a version must be added via add_contract_version before the contract can be executed.

Create a new “user group” for a (versioned) contract. User groups associate a set of URefs with a label. Entry points on a contract can be given a list of labels they accept and the runtime will check that a URef from at least one of the allowed groups is present in the caller’s context before execution. This allows access control for entry_points of a contract. This function returns the list of new URefs created for the group (the list will contain num_new_urefs elements).

Retrieve value stored under dictionary_item_key in the dictionary accessed by dictionary_seed_uref.

Writes value under dictionary_item_key in the dictionary accessed by dictionary_seed_uref.

Disable a version of a contract from the contract stored at the given Key. That version of the contract will no longer be callable by call_versioned_contract. Note that this contract must have been created by create_contract or create_contract_package_at_hash first.

Create a new contract stored under a Key::Hash at version 1. You may upgrade this contract in the future; if you want a contract that is locked (i.e. cannot be upgraded) call new_locked_contract instead. if named_keys are provided, will apply them if hash_name is provided, puts contract hash in current context’s named keys under hash_name if uref_name is provided, puts access_uref in current context’s named keys under uref_name

Creates new URef that represents a seed for a dictionary partition of the global state and puts it under named keys.

Create a locked contract stored under a Key::Hash, which can never be upgraded. This is an irreversible decision; for a contract that can be upgraded use new_contract instead. if named_keys are provided, will apply them if hash_name is provided, puts contract hash in current context’s named keys under hash_name if uref_name is provided, puts access_uref in current context’s named keys under uref_name

Returns a new unforgeable pointer, where the value is initialized to init.

Extends specified group with a new URef.

Reads value under uref in the global state.

Reads value under uref in the global state, reverts if value not found or is not T.

Remove a named group from given contract.

Removes specified urefs from a named group.

Writes value under uref in the global state.