Crate caso

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Category Theory Solver for Commutative Diagrams.

=== Caso 0.2 ===
Type `help` for more information.
> (A <-> B)[(A <-> C) -> (B <-> D)] <=> (C -> D)
(A <-> B)[(A <-> C) -> (B <-> D)] <=> (C <-> D)

To run Case from your Terminal, type:

cargo install --example caso caso

Then, to run:



A commuative diagram in Caso is written in the following grammar:

<left>[<top> -> <bottom>] <=> <right>

This syntax is based on the notation for Path Semantics.

Caso automatically corrects directional errors, e.g. when you type (a -> b)[(c -> a) -> ...] <=> .... the c is wrong relative to a, so, Caso corrects this to (a -> b)[(a <- c) -> ...] <=> ....

Higher morpisms are supported by counting - (1) and = (2) in the arrow. For example, <-> is a 1-isomorphism and <=> is a 2-isomorphism.

Reverse Directional<-
Reverse Epi<<-
Reverse Mono<-!
Right Inverse<->>
Left Inverse<<->
Reverse Epi-Mono<<-!

How to solve triangles

Triangles can be expanded into commutative square using identity morphisms.

For example:

> (A <-> B)[(A -> C) -> (B -> C)] <=> (C -> C)
(A <-> B)[(A -> C) -> (B -> C)] <=> (C <-> C)

Here, C -> C is an identity morphism from C to itself.


Caso uses Avalog as monotonic solver.

The Avalog rules are located in “assets/cat.txt”.

The automated theorem prover uses the following steps:

  1. Parse expression
  2. Construct commutative square
  3. Expand knowledge about morphisms using rules for Category Theory
  4. Analyze new knowledge and reintegrate it into the commutative square
  5. Synthesize expression.


Commutative diagram solver.

Parse syntax.

Data structure for symbols in Avalog solver.


Stores Caso expression.

Represents a morphism.


Converts string into expression (panics when format is invalid).

Directional e.g. A -> B.

Higher directional e.g. A => B.

Epi e.g. A ->> B.

Epi-mono e.g. A !->> B.

Higher epi-mono e.g. A !=>> B.

Higher epi e.g. A =>> B.

Iso e.g. A <-> B.

Higher iso e.g. A <=> B.

Mono e.g. A !-> B.

Higher mono e.g. A !=> B.

A path e.g. X[Y].

Reverse epi-mono e.g. A <<-! B.

Reverse epi-mono e.g. A <<=! B.

Reverse mono e.g. A <-! B.

Higher reverse mono e.g. A <=! B.

Reverse right inverse e.g. A <<-> B.

Higher reverse right inverse e.g. A <<=> B.

Right inverse e.g. A <->> B.

Higher right inverse e.g. A <=>> B.

Solve a string.

Zero e.g. A <> B.

Higher zero.