Struct casbin::rhai::Module

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pub struct Module { /* private fields */ }
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A module which may contain variables, sub-modules, external Rust functions, and/or script-defined functions.



impl Module


pub const fn with_capacity(_capacity: usize) -> Module

👎Deprecated since 1.12.0: use new instead

Create a new Module with a pre-sized capacity for functions.


This method is deprecated. Use new instead.

This method will be removed in the next major version.


pub fn get_custom_type(&self, type_name: &str) -> Option<&str>

👎Deprecated since 1.16.0: use get_custom_type_display_by_name instead

Get the display name of a registered custom type.


This method is deprecated. Use get_custom_type_display_by_name instead.

This method will be removed in the next major version.


pub fn set_fn( &mut self, name: impl Into<SmartString<LazyCompact>>, namespace: FnNamespace, _access: FnAccess, arg_names: Option<&[&str]>, arg_types: impl AsRef<[TypeId]>, func: RhaiFunc, ) -> u64

👎Deprecated since 1.17.0: use the FuncRegistration API instead

Set a native Rust function into the Module, returning a u64 hash key.

If there is an existing Rust function of the same hash, it is replaced.


This method is deprecated. Use the FuncRegistration API instead.

This method will be removed in the next major version.


impl Module


pub const fn new() -> Module

Create a new Module.

let mut module = Module::new();
module.set_var("answer", 42_i64);
assert_eq!(module.get_var_value::<i64>("answer").expect("answer should exist"), 42);

pub fn id(&self) -> Option<&str>

Get the ID of the Module, if any.

let mut module = Module::new();
assert_eq!(, Some("hello"));

pub fn set_id(&mut self, id: impl Into<ImmutableString>) -> &mut Module

Set the ID of the Module.

If the string is empty, it is equivalent to clearing the ID.

let mut module = Module::new();
assert_eq!(, Some("hello"));

pub fn clear_id(&mut self) -> &mut Module

Clear the ID of the Module.

let mut module = Module::new();
assert_eq!(, Some("hello"));
assert_eq!(, None);

pub fn clear(&mut self)

Clear the Module.


pub fn set_custom_type<T>(&mut self, name: &str) -> &mut Module

Map a custom type to a friendly display name.

struct TestStruct;

let name = std::any::type_name::<TestStruct>();

let mut module = Module::new();


assert_eq!(module.get_custom_type_display_by_name(name), Some("MyType"));

pub fn set_custom_type_raw( &mut self, type_name: impl Into<SmartString<LazyCompact>>, display_name: impl Into<SmartString<LazyCompact>>, ) -> &mut Module

Map a custom type to a friendly display name.

struct TestStruct;

let name = std::any::type_name::<TestStruct>();

let mut module = Module::new();

module.set_custom_type_raw(name, "MyType");

assert_eq!(module.get_custom_type_display_by_name(name), Some("MyType"));

pub fn get_custom_type_display_by_name(&self, type_name: &str) -> Option<&str>

Get the display name of a registered custom type.

struct TestStruct;

let name = std::any::type_name::<TestStruct>();

let mut module = Module::new();


assert_eq!(module.get_custom_type_display_by_name(name), Some("MyType"));

pub fn get_custom_type_display<T>(&self) -> Option<&str>

Get the display name of a registered custom type.

struct TestStruct;

let name = std::any::type_name::<TestStruct>();

let mut module = Module::new();


assert_eq!(module.get_custom_type_display::<TestStruct>(), Some("MyType"));

pub fn is_empty(&self) -> bool

Returns true if this Module contains no items.

let module = Module::new();

pub const fn is_indexed(&self) -> bool

Is the Module indexed?

A module must be indexed before it can be used in an import statement.

let mut module = Module::new();

module.set_native_fn("foo", |x: &mut i64, y: i64| { *x = y; Ok(()) });


pub const fn is_internal(&self) -> bool

Is the Module an internal Rhai system module?


pub const fn is_standard_lib(&self) -> bool

Is the Module a Rhai standard library module?


pub fn contains_var(&self, name: &str) -> bool

Does a variable exist in the Module?

let mut module = Module::new();
module.set_var("answer", 42_i64);

pub fn get_var_value<T>(&self, name: &str) -> Option<T>
where T: Variant + Clone,

Get the value of a Module variable.

let mut module = Module::new();
module.set_var("answer", 42_i64);
assert_eq!(module.get_var_value::<i64>("answer").expect("answer should exist"), 42);

pub fn get_var(&self, name: &str) -> Option<Dynamic>

Get a Module variable as a Dynamic.

let mut module = Module::new();
module.set_var("answer", 42_i64);
assert_eq!(module.get_var("answer").expect("answer should exist").cast::<i64>(), 42);

pub fn set_var( &mut self, name: impl Into<SmartString<LazyCompact>>, value: impl Variant + Clone, ) -> &mut Module

Set a variable into the Module.

If there is an existing variable of the same name, it is replaced.

let mut module = Module::new();
module.set_var("answer", 42_i64);
assert_eq!(module.get_var_value::<i64>("answer").expect("answer should exist"), 42);

pub fn contains_sub_module(&self, name: &str) -> bool

Does a sub-module exist in the Module?

let mut module = Module::new();
let sub_module = Module::new();
module.set_sub_module("question", sub_module);

pub fn get_sub_module(&self, name: &str) -> Option<&Module>

Get a sub-module in the Module.

let mut module = Module::new();
let sub_module = Module::new();
module.set_sub_module("question", sub_module);

pub fn set_sub_module( &mut self, name: impl Into<SmartString<LazyCompact>>, sub_module: impl Into<Arc<Module>>, ) -> &mut Module

Set a sub-module into the Module.

If there is an existing sub-module of the same name, it is replaced.

let mut module = Module::new();
let sub_module = Module::new();
module.set_sub_module("question", sub_module);

pub fn contains_fn(&self, hash_fn: u64) -> bool

Does the particular Rust function exist in the Module?

The u64 hash is returned by the set_native_fn call.

let mut module = Module::new();
let hash = module.set_native_fn("calc", |x: i64| Ok(42 + x));

pub fn update_fn_namespace( &mut self, hash_fn: u64, namespace: FnNamespace, ) -> &mut Module

👎Deprecated since 1.17.0: use the FuncRegistration API instead

Update the namespace of a registered function.


This method is deprecated. Use the FuncRegistration API instead.

This method will be removed in the next major version.


pub fn set_fn_raw_with_options( &mut self, options: FuncRegistration, arg_types: impl AsRef<[TypeId]>, func: RhaiFunc, ) -> &FuncMetadata

Set a native Rust function into the Module based on a FuncRegistration.

§WARNING - Low Level API

This function is very low level. It takes a list of TypeId’s indicating the actual types of the parameters.


pub fn set_native_fn<A, const N: usize, const X: bool, R, FUNC>( &mut self, name: impl Into<SmartString<LazyCompact>>, func: FUNC, ) -> u64
where A: 'static, R: Variant + Clone, FUNC: RhaiNativeFunc<A, N, X, R, true> + SendSync + 'static,

Set a native Rust function into the Module, returning a u64 hash key.

If there is a similar existing Rust function, it is replaced.

§Use FuncRegistration API

It is recommended that the FuncRegistration API be used instead.

Essentially, this method is a shortcut for:

    .set_into_module(module, func)
  • Accessibility: The function namespace is FnNamespace::Internal.

  • Purity: The function is assumed to be pure unless it is a property setter or an index setter.

  • Volatility: The function is assumed to be non-volatile – i.e. it guarantees the same result for the same input(s).

  • Metadata: No metadata for the function is registered.

To change these assumptions, use the FuncRegistration API instead.

let mut module = Module::new();
let hash = module.set_native_fn("calc", |x: i64| Ok(42 + x));

pub fn set_getter_fn<A, const X: bool, R, FUNC>( &mut self, name: impl AsRef<str>, func: FUNC, ) -> u64
where A: Variant + Clone, R: Variant + Clone, FUNC: RhaiNativeFunc<(Mut<A>,), 1, X, R, true> + SendSync + 'static,

Set a Rust getter function taking one mutable parameter, returning a u64 hash key. This function is automatically exposed to the global namespace.

If there is a similar existing Rust getter function, it is replaced.

  • Accessibility: The function namespace is FnNamespace::Global.

  • Purity: The function is assumed to be pure (so it can be called on constants).

  • Volatility: The function is assumed to be non-volatile – i.e. it guarantees the same result for the same input(s).

  • Metadata: No metadata for the function is registered.

To change these assumptions, use the FuncRegistration API instead.

let mut module = Module::new();
let hash = module.set_getter_fn("value", |x: &mut i64| Ok(*x));

pub fn set_setter_fn<A, const X: bool, R, FUNC>( &mut self, name: impl AsRef<str>, func: FUNC, ) -> u64
where A: Variant + Clone, R: Variant + Clone, FUNC: RhaiNativeFunc<(Mut<A>, R), 2, X, (), true> + SendSync + 'static,

Set a Rust setter function taking two parameters (the first one mutable) into the Module, returning a u64 hash key. This function is automatically exposed to the global namespace.

If there is a similar existing setter Rust function, it is replaced.

  • Accessibility: The function namespace is FnNamespace::Global.

  • Purity: The function is assumed to be non-pure (so it cannot be called on constants).

  • Volatility: The function is assumed to be non-volatile – i.e. it guarantees the same result for the same input(s).

  • Metadata: No metadata for the function is registered.

To change these assumptions, use the FuncRegistration API instead.

use rhai::{Module, ImmutableString};

let mut module = Module::new();
let hash = module.set_setter_fn("value", |x: &mut i64, y: ImmutableString| {
                *x = y.len() as i64; Ok(())

pub fn set_getter_setter_fn<A, const X1: bool, const X2: bool, R>( &mut self, name: impl AsRef<str>, getter: impl RhaiNativeFunc<(Mut<A>,), 1, X1, R, true> + SendSync + 'static, setter: impl RhaiNativeFunc<(Mut<A>, R), 2, X2, (), true> + SendSync + 'static, ) -> (u64, u64)
where A: Variant + Clone, R: Variant + Clone,

Set a pair of Rust getter and setter functions into the Module, returning both u64 hash keys. This is a short-hand for set_getter_fn and set_setter_fn.

These function are automatically exposed to the global namespace.

If there are similar existing Rust functions, they are replaced.

To change these assumptions, use the FuncRegistration API instead.

use rhai::{Module, ImmutableString};

let mut module = Module::new();
let (hash_get, hash_set) =
                |x: &mut i64| Ok(x.to_string().into()),
                |x: &mut i64, y: ImmutableString| { *x = y.len() as i64; Ok(()) }

pub fn set_indexer_get_fn<A, B, const X: bool, R, FUNC>( &mut self, func: FUNC, ) -> u64
where A: Variant + Clone, B: Variant + Clone, R: Variant + Clone, FUNC: RhaiNativeFunc<(Mut<A>, B), 2, X, R, true> + SendSync + 'static,

Set a Rust index getter taking two parameters (the first one mutable) into the Module, returning a u64 hash key. This function is automatically exposed to the global namespace.

If there is a similar existing setter Rust function, it is replaced.

  • Accessibility: The function namespace is FnNamespace::Global.

  • Purity: The function is assumed to be pure (so it can be called on constants).

  • Volatility: The function is assumed to be non-volatile – i.e. it guarantees the same result for the same input(s).

  • Metadata: No metadata for the function is registered.

To change these assumptions, use the FuncRegistration API instead.


Panics if the type is Array, Map, String, ImmutableString, &str or INT.

Indexers for arrays, object maps, strings and integers cannot be registered.

use rhai::{Module, ImmutableString};

struct TestStruct(i64);

let mut module = Module::new();

let hash = module.set_indexer_get_fn(
                |x: &mut TestStruct, y: ImmutableString| Ok(x.0 + y.len() as i64)


pub fn set_indexer_set_fn<A, B, const X: bool, R, FUNC>( &mut self, func: FUNC, ) -> u64
where A: Variant + Clone, B: Variant + Clone, R: Variant + Clone, FUNC: RhaiNativeFunc<(Mut<A>, B, R), 3, X, (), true> + SendSync + 'static,

Set a Rust index setter taking three parameters (the first one mutable) into the Module, returning a u64 hash key. This function is automatically exposed to the global namespace.

If there is a similar existing Rust function, it is replaced.

  • Accessibility: The function namespace is FnNamespace::Global.

  • Purity: The function is assumed to be non-pure (so it cannot be called on constants).

  • Volatility: The function is assumed to be non-volatile – i.e. it guarantees the same result for the same input(s).


Panics if the type is Array, Map, String, ImmutableString, &str or INT.

Indexers for arrays, object maps, strings and integers cannot be registered.

use rhai::{Module, ImmutableString};

struct TestStruct(i64);

let mut module = Module::new();

let hash = module.set_indexer_set_fn(|x: &mut TestStruct, y: ImmutableString, value: i64| {
                        *x = TestStruct(y.len() as i64 + value);


pub fn set_indexer_get_set_fn<A, B, const X1: bool, const X2: bool, R>( &mut self, get_fn: impl RhaiNativeFunc<(Mut<A>, B), 2, X1, R, true> + SendSync + 'static, set_fn: impl RhaiNativeFunc<(Mut<A>, B, R), 3, X2, (), true> + SendSync + 'static, ) -> (u64, u64)
where A: Variant + Clone, B: Variant + Clone, R: Variant + Clone,

Set a pair of Rust index getter and setter functions into the Module, returning both u64 hash keys. This is a short-hand for set_indexer_get_fn and set_indexer_set_fn.

These functions are automatically exposed to the global namespace.

If there are similar existing Rust functions, they are replaced.


Panics if the type is Array, Map, String, ImmutableString, &str or INT.

Indexers for arrays, object maps, strings and integers cannot be registered.

use rhai::{Module, ImmutableString};

struct TestStruct(i64);

let mut module = Module::new();

let (hash_get, hash_set) = module.set_indexer_get_set_fn(
    |x: &mut TestStruct, y: ImmutableString| Ok(x.0 + y.len() as i64),
    |x: &mut TestStruct, y: ImmutableString, value: i64| { *x = TestStruct(y.len() as i64 + value); Ok(()) }


pub fn contains_qualified_fn(&self, hash_fn: u64) -> bool

Does the particular namespace-qualified function exist in the Module?

The u64 hash is calculated by build_index.


pub fn combine(&mut self, other: Module) -> &mut Module

Combine another Module into this Module. The other Module is consumed to merge into this Module.


pub fn combine_flatten(&mut self, other: Module) -> &mut Module

Combine another Module into this Module. The other Module is consumed to merge into this Module. Sub-modules are flattened onto the root Module, with higher level overriding lower level.


pub fn fill_with(&mut self, other: &Module) -> &mut Module

Polyfill this Module with another Module. Only items not existing in this Module are added.


pub fn merge(&mut self, other: &Module) -> &mut Module

Merge another Module into this Module.


pub fn count(&self) -> (usize, usize, usize)

Get the number of variables, functions and type iterators in the Module.


pub fn iter_sub_modules(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&str, &Arc<Module>)>

Get an iterator to the sub-modules in the Module.


pub fn iter_var(&self) -> impl Iterator<Item = (&str, &Dynamic)>

Get an iterator to the variables in the Module.


pub const fn contains_indexed_global_functions(&self) -> bool

Does the Module contain indexed functions that have been exposed to the global namespace?


Panics if the Module is not yet indexed via build_index.


pub fn build_index(&mut self) -> &mut Module

Scan through all the sub-modules in the Module and build a hash index of all variables and functions as one flattened namespace.

If the Module is already indexed, this method has no effect.


pub fn contains_qualified_iter(&self, id: TypeId) -> bool

Does a type iterator exist in the entire module tree?


pub fn contains_iter(&self, id: TypeId) -> bool

Does a type iterator exist in the module?


pub fn set_iter( &mut self, type_id: TypeId, func: impl Fn(Dynamic) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Dynamic>> + SendSync + 'static, ) -> &mut Module

Set a type iterator into the Module.


pub fn set_iter_result( &mut self, type_id: TypeId, func: impl Fn(Dynamic) -> Box<dyn Iterator<Item = Result<Dynamic, Box<EvalAltResult>>>> + SendSync + 'static, ) -> &mut Module

Set a fallible type iterator into the Module.


pub fn set_iterable<T>(&mut self) -> &mut Module
where T: Variant + Clone + IntoIterator, <T as IntoIterator>::Item: Variant + Clone,

Set a type iterator into the Module.


pub fn set_iterable_result<T, X>(&mut self) -> &mut Module
where T: Variant + Clone + IntoIterator<Item = Result<X, Box<EvalAltResult>>>, X: Variant + Clone,

Set a fallible type iterator into the Module.


pub fn set_iterator<T>(&mut self) -> &mut Module
where T: Variant + Clone + Iterator, <T as Iterator>::Item: Variant + Clone,

Set an iterator type into the Module as a type iterator.


pub fn set_iterator_result<T, X>(&mut self) -> &mut Module
where T: Variant + Clone + Iterator<Item = Result<X, Box<EvalAltResult>>>, X: Variant + Clone,

Set a iterator type into the Module as a fallible type iterator.

Trait Implementations§


impl<M> Add<M> for &Module
where M: AsRef<Module>,


type Output = Module

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

fn add(self, rhs: M) -> <&Module as Add<M>>::Output

Performs the + operation. Read more

impl<M> Add<M> for Module
where M: AsRef<Module>,


type Output = Module

The resulting type after applying the + operator.

fn add(self, rhs: M) -> <Module as Add<M>>::Output

Performs the + operation. Read more

impl<M> AddAssign<M> for Module
where M: Into<Module>,


fn add_assign(&mut self, rhs: M)

Performs the += operation. Read more

impl Clone for Module


fn clone(&self) -> Module

Returns a copy of the value. Read more
1.0.0 · source§

fn clone_from(&mut self, source: &Self)

Performs copy-assignment from source. Read more

impl Debug for Module


fn fmt(&self, f: &mut Formatter<'_>) -> Result<(), Error>

Formats the value using the given formatter. Read more

impl Default for Module


fn default() -> Module

Returns the “default value” for a type. Read more

Auto Trait Implementations§


impl Freeze for Module


impl !RefUnwindSafe for Module


impl Send for Module


impl Sync for Module


impl Unpin for Module


impl !UnwindSafe for Module

Blanket Implementations§


impl<T> Any for T
where T: 'static + ?Sized,


fn type_id(&self) -> TypeId

Gets the TypeId of self. Read more

impl<T> Borrow<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow(&self) -> &T

Immutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> BorrowMut<T> for T
where T: ?Sized,


fn borrow_mut(&mut self) -> &mut T

Mutably borrows from an owned value. Read more

impl<T> CloneToUninit for T
where T: Clone,


unsafe fn clone_to_uninit(&self, dst: *mut T)

🔬This is a nightly-only experimental API. (clone_to_uninit)
Performs copy-assignment from self to dst. Read more

impl<T> From<T> for T


fn from(t: T) -> T

Returns the argument unchanged.


impl<T, U> Into<U> for T
where U: From<T>,


fn into(self) -> U

Calls U::from(self).

That is, this conversion is whatever the implementation of From<T> for U chooses to do.


impl<T> ToOwned for T
where T: Clone,


type Owned = T

The resulting type after obtaining ownership.

fn to_owned(&self) -> T

Creates owned data from borrowed data, usually by cloning. Read more

fn clone_into(&self, target: &mut T)

Uses borrowed data to replace owned data, usually by cloning. Read more

impl<T, U> TryFrom<U> for T
where U: Into<T>,


type Error = Infallible

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_from(value: U) -> Result<T, <T as TryFrom<U>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.

impl<T, U> TryInto<U> for T
where U: TryFrom<T>,


type Error = <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error

The type returned in the event of a conversion error.

fn try_into(self) -> Result<U, <U as TryFrom<T>>::Error>

Performs the conversion.