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Library crate for common tasks when building rust projects. Intended for use with cargo-auto: automation tasks written in Rust language.
version: 0.8.60 date: 2022-10-17 author: Bestia.dev repository: Github

Lines in Rust code Lines in Doc comments Lines in Comments Lines in examples Lines in tests

crates.io Documentation crev reviews Lib.rs License Rust Hits

Hashtags: #rustlang #buildtool #developmenttool
My projects on Github are more like a tutorial than a finished product: bestia-dev tutorials.

Try it

In your rust project root directory (where the Cargo.toml is)
first install cargo-auto and generate a new helper project:

cargo install cargo-auto
cargo auto new

In a new editor open the generated directory automation_tasks_rs as an independent rust project. There is already this dependency in Cargo.toml:


Preview the code and observe all the auto_* functions from cargo_auto_lib.

fn task_release() {

Go back to your main rust project.
Add markers to the beginning of README.md (don’t copy the numbers 1 and 2):

1 [comment]: # (auto_cargo_toml_to_md start)
2 [comment]: # (auto_cargo_toml_to_md end)

Run (in your main rust project):

cargo auto release

With a little luck, it included the data of Cargo.toml into the README.md inside the markers:


based on simple functions

All the functions have extensive help/docs to describe how they work.
It is nice when you use a code editor with IntelliSense like VSCode.


This crate will attempt to edit Cargo.toml. Unfortunately there’s no great robust way right now to edit TOML file preserving formatting and comments and such, so right now I use just regex to do this. If you find that the heuristics don’t work for you though please let me know and I’ll try to check in a fix!

learn something new every day

I needed to copy large text into doc comments.
It means every line must get a prefix like ///.
In VSCode I selected the text, press
alt+shift+i Now I have multiple cursors on the end of every selected lines.
I press the key home And now I have multiple cursors on the beginning of every line.
I type (insert): ///
and it’s done ! Great !


Automate badges for crates.io, doc.rs, lib.rs, license, crev review. Check if they exist and create badges.

cargo crev reviews and advisory

We live in times of danger with supply chain attacks.
It is recommended to always use cargo-crev
to verify the trustworthiness of each of your dependencies.
Please, spread this info.
You can also read reviews quickly on the web:

open-source free and free as a beer

My open-source projects are free as a beer (MIT license).
I just love programming.
But I need also to drink. If you find my projects and tutorials helpful,
please buy me a beer donating on my paypal.
You know the price of a beer in your local bar ;-)
So I can drink a free beer for your health :-)
Na zdravje! Alla salute! Prost! Nazdravlje! 🍻


various utilities




includes data from Cargo.toml to README.md files: version, authors,… It works for workspaces and for single projects.
To avoid out of sync data like version, authors and description in the README.md files, auto_cargo_toml_to_md includes this data from Cargo.toml.
Run it on every build with cargo auto.
It works also with other md files in the project, not only README.md.
In the md file write these markers in markdown comments (invisible),
don’t copy the numbers 1 and 2:
I want html pages to be correct microXML when I use them for single page application. Before build or release this function will check for correctness.
deletes old js snippets when working with wasm-pack
The old folders for js snippets are not automatically deleted on building with wasm-pack.
This utils do that.
The function must be executed in the root project folder where is the Cargo.toml.
inserts shield badges with lines_of_code into README.rs the parameter Link will be used for shield badge. If empty_string, the git remote repository will be used. Lines of code are not a “perfect” measurement of anything.
Anybody can write a very big number of lines of useless code and comments.
But for 95% of the cases they are good enough.
Most of the developers use some “standard” coding practices and that is quantifiable and comparable.
finds rs files with markers and include segments from md files Includes segments of md files into rs files as doc comments.
It works with workspaces and single projects. From this doc comments cargo doc will generated the documentation and auto-completion.
We don’t want to manually copy this segments. We want them to be automatically in sync.
We will just run this function before every cargo doc with an automation task.
The auto_md_to_doc_comments function must be executed in the project root folder where is the Cargo.toml file.
First it searches all the rs files in src, tests and examples folders.
If they contain the markers, than finds the md file and the named segment and include it as doc comments into the rs file.
The markers are always in pairs: start and end. So exactly the content in between is changed. The markers are always comments, so they don’t change the code.
It works only for files with LF line delimiter. No CR and no CRLF.
process plantuml in current directory finds markers (auto_plantuml start) and (auto_plantuml end) in md files if needed calls the web service and saves the svg file Between markers adds the link to the svg file repo_url like https://github.com/bestia-dev/sey_currency_converter_pwa so the image file link is from the repository and accessible everywhere
process plantuml for all md files for test and examples I need to provide the path
Increments the minor version in Cargo.toml file.
Increments the patch version in Cargo.toml file.
Works for single projects and workspaces.
new version as date is written to Cargo.toml and service_worker.js In Cargo.toml writes the version as the date yyyy.mmdd.HHMM ex. 2019.1221.2359.
For non-library projects, the semver specification is not really useful.
Having the version as the date is just fine for executables and much more human readable.
The function must be executed in the root project folder of a single project or workspace where is the Cargo.toml.
Works for single projects and workspaces.
Just like auto_version_from_date(), but force the new version even if no files are changed. For workspaces release I want to have the same version in all members.
It is slower, but easier to understand when deployed.
increments the version in Cargo.toml. if the major version is greater than 2000, it is a date version else it is semver and increments the patch part
increments the version in Cargo.toml. if the major version is greater than 2000, it is a date version forced is used in workspaces to force all members to have the same date version else it is semver and increments the patch part
println one, more or all sub_commands
check if run in rust project root directory error there must be Cargo.toml and the directory automation_tasks_rs exit with error message if not
run one shell command Stops task execution if the command has Exit Status != 0
run shell commands from a vector of strings. Stops task execution if oe of the commands has Exit Status != 0