
pub use self::config::homedir;
pub use self::config::Config;
pub use self::config::ConfigValue;
pub use self::diagnostic_server::RustfixDiagnosticServer;
pub use self::errors::internal;
pub use self::errors::CargoResult;
pub use self::errors::CliResult;
pub use self::errors::Test;
pub use self::errors::CargoTestError;
pub use self::errors::CliError;
pub use self::graph::Graph;
pub use self::hex::hash_u64;
pub use self::hex::short_hash;
pub use self::hex::to_hex;
pub use self::into_url::IntoUrl;
pub use self::lev_distance::closest;
pub use self::lev_distance::closest_msg;
pub use self::lev_distance::lev_distance;
pub use self::restricted_names::validate_package_name;
pub use self::rustc::Rustc;
pub use self::to_semver::ToSemver;


Cargo’s config system.

A small TCP server to handle collection of diagnostics information in a cross-platform way for the cargo fix command.

Job management (mostly for windows)

Helpers for validating and checking names like package and crate names.


A newtype wrapper around Url which represents a “canonical” version of an original URL.

A “filesystem” is intended to be a globally shared, hence locked, resource in Cargo.

A simple, threadsafe, queue of items of type T



A type that can be interpreted as a relative Url and converted to a Url.


The path that we pass to rustc is actually fairly important because it will show up in error messages (important for readability), debug information (important for caching), etc. As a result we need to be pretty careful how we actually invoke rustc.