Module cargo::core::compiler

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Configuration information for a rustc build.
The build context, containing all information about a build task
Contains the parsed output of a custom build script.
A structure returning the result of a compilation.
A DefaultExecutor calls rustc without doing anything else. It is Cargo’s default behaviour.
Information required to build for a target
All information needed to define a Unit.


The general “mode” of what to do. This is used for two purposes. The commands themselves pass this in to compile_ws to tell it the general execution strategy. This influences the default targets selected. The other use is in the Unit struct to indicate what is being done with a specific target.
Type of each file generated by a Unit.
Whether an object is for the host arch, or the target arch.


A glorified callback for executing calls to rustc. Rather than calling rustc directly, we’ll use an Executor, giving clients an opportunity to intercept the build calls.


Type Definitions

Map of packages to build info