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A syntax tree based doc comment and common mark spell checker.


pub use doc_chunks as documentation;
pub use self::action::*;


Covers all user triggered actions (except for signals).

Chunk definition for what is going to be processed by the checkers

Cluster proc_macro2::Literals into LiteralSets

Global error usage without cluttering each file.

Erase cmark syntax

Span annotation, independent yet compatible with proc_macro2::Span


A debug helper to print concatenated length of all items.

A helper macro creating valid doc string using the macro syntax #[doc=r#"..."#].

A helper macro creating valid doc string using the macro syntax /// ....


A chunk of documentation that is supposed to be checked.

A display style wrapper for a trimmed literal.

Cluster comments together, such they appear as continuous text blocks.

Collection of all the documentation entries across the project

A line-column pair representing the start or end of a Span.

A set of consecutive literals.

A plain representation of cmark riddled chunk.

Relative span in relation to the beginning of a doc comment.

A suggestion for certain offending span.

A set of suggestions across multiple files, clustered per file

Blocks (UNIX) signals.

A literal with meta info where the first and list whitespace may be found.

A display style wrapper for a trimmed literal.


Checker types to be derived from the stringly typed arguments.

Track what kind of comment the literal is

Determine if a CommentVariant is a documentation comment or not.

Definition of the source of a checkable chunk

Bitflag of available checkers by compilation / configuration.

A simple exit code representation.

Describes whether there is a matching segment in the source, of if it is a placeholder for i.e. a code block or inline code. These placeholders are required for grammar checks.

Unified arguments with configuration fallbacks.


Apply an offset to start and end members, equaling a shift of the range.

Convert a given byte range of a string, that is known to be at valid char bounds, to a character range.

Convert many byte ranges to character ranges.

For long lines, literal will be trimmed to display in one terminal line. Misspelled words that are too long shall also be ellipsized.

Set the worker pool job/thread count.

Extract line delimiter of a string.

Terminal size in characters.

Iterate over annotated chars starting from line 1 and column 0 assuming s starts there.

Iterate over a str and annotate with line and column.

Extract span from a Read-able source as String.

The inner main.

Handle incoming signals.

Extract a subset of chars by iterating. Range must be in characters.

Extract a subset of chars by iterating. Range must be in characters.

Type Definitions

Range based on usize, simplification.