cargo-skyline 1.3.2

A cargo subcommand for working with Skyline plugins written in Rust
cargo-skyline-1.3.2 is not a library.


A cargo subcommand for making it easier to work with (and make) Skyline plugins.

cargo-skyline 1.3.0

    cargo skyline <SUBCOMMAND>

    -h, --help       Prints help information
    -V, --version    Prints version information

    build         Build the current plugin as an NRO
    help          Prints this message or the help of the given subcommand(s)
    install       Build the current plugin and install to a switch over FTP
    listen        Listen for logs being output from a switch running skyline at the given ip
    new           Create a new plugin from a template
    run           Install the current plugin and listen for skyline logging
    set-ip        Set the IP address of the switch to install to
    show-ip       Show the currently configured IP address
    update-std    Download the latest stdlib for aarch64-skyline-switch



cargo install --git

Example usage

Create a new plugin called fps_counter (in a folder of the same name) in the current directory:

cargo skyline new fps_counter

Build the current plugin as an nro:

cargo skyline build

Set the ip of the Switch to install to as

cargo skyline set-ip

Install the current plugin on a switch at ip for an application with title of 01006A800016E000:

cargo skyline install --ip --title-id 01006A800016E000

Note: if the IP has been set, it can be omitted from the arguments (or overriden using the arguments).

To set a default title id for a plugin use the following format in Cargo.toml:

titleid = "01006A800016E000"

Install the current plugin to the default IP and title ID, then listen for output from the console:

cargo skyline run