Module cargo::util

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pub use self::config::homedir;
pub use self::config::Config;
pub use self::config::ConfigValue;
pub use self::dependency_queue::Dirty;
pub use self::dependency_queue::Fresh;
pub use self::diagnostic_server::RustfixDiagnosticServer;
pub use self::errors::internal;
pub use self::errors::process_error;
pub use self::errors::CargoResult;
pub use self::errors::CargoResultExt;
pub use self::errors::CliResult;
pub use self::errors::Test;
pub use self::errors::CargoTestError;
pub use self::errors::CliError;
pub use self::errors::ProcessError;
pub use self::graph::Graph;
pub use self::hex::hash_u64;
pub use self::hex::short_hash;
pub use self::hex::to_hex;
pub use self::lev_distance::lev_distance;
pub use self::paths::bytes2path;
pub use self::paths::dylib_path;
pub use self::paths::join_paths;
pub use self::paths::path2bytes;
pub use self::paths::dylib_path_envvar;
pub use self::paths::normalize_path;
pub use self::paths::without_prefix;
pub use self::process_builder::process;
pub use self::process_builder::ProcessBuilder;
pub use self::to_semver::ToSemver;
pub use self::to_url::ToUrl;


A small TCP server to handle collection of diagnostics information in a cross-platform way for the cargo fix command.
Job management (mostly for windows)


A “filesystem” is intended to be a globally shared, hence locked, resource in Cargo.
Information on the rustc executable


Indication of the freshness of a package.


Check the base requirements for a package name.