Crate cargo_run_bin

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Installing tooling globally when working in teams or on CI is a silly problem to manage. cargo-run-bin builds, caches, and executes binaries from their locked down versions in Cargo.toml, and allows your teams to always be running the same tooling versions.

For command lines that extend cargo such as cargo-nextest, run-bin will create and manage cargo aliases to allow using cargo extensions without any changes to your command line scripts! cargo-run-bin gets out of your way, and you’ll forget you’re even using it!


For command line usage, see the GitHub repo.

run-bin can also be used as a library and paired nicely with your or any other scripts. The following example demos having dprint configured within [package.metadata.bin], and executing dprint --help.

dprint = { version = "0.40.2" }
use anyhow::Result;
use cargo_run_bin::{binary, metadata};

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let binary_package = metadata::get_binary_packages()?
        .find(|e| e.package == "dprint")
    let bin_path = binary::install(binary_package)?;
    binary::run(bin_path, vec!["--help".to_string()])?;

    return Ok(());

Using binary::run is optional. You can recreate it and make changes to your liking using std::process, with shims included!

use std::process;

use anyhow::Result;
use cargo_run_bin::{binary, metadata, shims};

fn main() -> Result<()> {
    let binary_package = metadata::get_binary_packages()?
        .find(|e| e.package == "dprint")
    let bin_path = binary::install(binary_package)?;

    let mut shell_paths = shims::get_shim_paths()?;

        .env("PATH", shell_paths.join(":"))

    return Ok(());
