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cargo-crev tips & tricks

Find the most heavy dependencies

$ cargo crev crate verify --recursive
status reviews     downloads    owner  issues lines  geiger flgs crate                version         latest_t
pass    1  1   932599    973037  1  1   0/0      40       3      fuchsia-cprng        0.1.1           =
pass    1  1  3299093   5112798  1  1   0/0     137       0      version_check        0.1.5           =


warn    0  0  1668529   2824521 42 20   2/2  414818    5240 CB   tokio-udp            0.1.3
warn    0  0   635827   3488232 44 19   3/3  439497    7088 CB   tokio                0.1.22
warn    0  3   308272   5924679 47 20   3/3  494108    8155 CB   hyper                0.12.33         ↓0.10.2
warn    0  0   849186   2003601 62 26   3/3  550963   17683 CB   hyper-tls            0.3.2
warn    0  0   141213   2088970 86 38   3/3  903083   20094 CB   reqwest              0.9.20
warn    0  1      825      6205 90 40   3/3  916613   20106 CB   crates_io_api        0.5.1           ↓0.3.0
warn    0  1     7417    355870 85 42   0/0  813073   18826 CB   cargo                0.38.0          ↓0.20.0


--recursive will make the dependency scanner track the stats recursively (including all the dependencies).

As you can see cargo library brings 831 thousands lines of code with it, 18 thousands of which are unsafe. This code has 85 total owners on crates.io, within 42 distinct groups of ownership.

See cargo crev crate verify --help more details. This future is still under active development.

Find the top contributors

> cargo crev crate mvp
 26 FYlr8YoYGVvDwHQxqEIs89reKKDy-oWisoO0qXXEfHE https://github.com/dpc/crev-proofs
 19 X98FCpyv5I7z-xv4u-xMWLsFgb_Y0cG7p5xNFHSjbLA https://github.com/kornelski/crev-proofs
 17 6OZqHXqyUAF57grEY7IVMjRljdd9dgDxiNtr1NF1BdY https://github.com/MaulingMonkey/crev-proofs
 12 lr2ldir9XdBsKQkW3YGpRIO2pxhtSucdzf3M5ivfv4A https://git.sr.ht/~icefox/crev-proofs
 11 Qf4cHJBEoho61fd5zoeweyrFCIZ7Pb5X5ggc5iw4B50 https://github.com/kornelski/crev-proofs
  9 ZOm7om6WZyEf3SBmDC69BXs8sc1VPniYx7Nfz2Du6hM https://gitlab.com/KonradBorowski/crev-proofs
  6 VylyTuk8CMGqIxgHixWaqfiUn3xZyzOA1wFrQ0sR1As https://github.com/BurntSushi/crev-proofs
  3 ZGgmIacywCRKLa33k7W04VFcK-glDkcBXKG4oF7t--4 https://github.com/kpcyrd/crev-proofs
  2 ZCBwWlOeJyU79adJqX9-irGH5wrmuYxUPXeSrFKuayg https://github.com/Lokathor/crev-proofs
  1 aD4K0g6AcSKUDp3VPF7u4hM94zEkqjWeRQwmabLBcV0 https://github.com/Mark-Simulacrum/crev-proofs
  1 FBkykBV6YaqAaGoUXyvd-XkEqDYxQNM7EUnZ2nuy-XQ https://github.com/Canop/crev-proofs
  1 pt_he2sLPg2w2u4YN7lj-6Gvu25R8aN6ZCcuQFzxC1g https://gitlab.com/phgsng/crev-proofs
  1 YWfa4SGgcW87fIT88uCkkrsRgIbWiGOOYmBbA1AtnKA https://github.com/oherrala/crev-proofs


cargo crev crate mvp counts number of dependencies reviewed by each trusted ID. These are the people you doing most heavy work for you.

You can add --trust none argument to discover people that did review some of your dependencies, yet you still don’t have them in your WoT.

Deal with too many dependencies displayed at once

cargo crev verify can be given flags and arguments to narrow down the crate selection.

$ cargo crev crate verify structopt
status reviews     downloads    owner  issues lines  geiger flgs crate                version         latest_t
pass    1  2   883719   6669131  1/1    0/0     141      10      atty                 0.2.13          =
pass    1  1  1400432  17086407  3/3    0/0     875       0 CB   bitflags             1.1.0           =
none    0  0  1593839   5174664  0/1    0/0     900       0      textwrap             0.11.0
none    0  2   256588   1041610  0/1    0/0    2110       0      structopt            0.2.18          ↓0.2.16
none    0  2   269250   1055834  0/1    0/0     930       0      structopt-derive     0.2.18          ↓0.2.16
none    0  0   473513   6201912  3/6    0/0     419       0      unicode-width        0.1.6
none    0  0  3718852   5903147  0/1    0/0     737      23      ansi_term            0.11.0
none    0  0  1030341  13059608  1/1    0/0     904       0      quote                0.6.13
none    0  0  1949014   9339336  2/2    0/0    3541       0 CB   proc-macro2          0.4.30
pass    1  1  1490421   2020940  1/1    0/0     308       0      heck                 0.3.1           =
pass    1  1  6226050  11896441  3/6    0/0     514       0      unicode-xid          0.1.0           =
none    0  0  3532538   5637039  0/3    0/0     989       0      vec_map              0.8.1
pass    1  1  1474739   7299608  0/1    0/0     677       0      strsim               0.8.0           =
pass    1  1  2158613   2226697  1/1    0/0      13       0 CB   winapi-x86_64-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0           =
none    0  0  2106302   2173081  1/1    0/0      13       0 CB   winapi-i686-pc-windows-gnu 0.4.0
none    0  1  1593422   6323276  1/1    0/0   11198       1      clap                 2.33.0          ↓2.32.0
none    0  0   955234   3870084  3/6    0/0    6062       0      unicode-segmentation 1.3.0
none    0  0   620721  14604329  1/1    0/0   31985      35 CB   syn                  0.15.44
pass    1  1   838269  18472077  4/4    0/0   58231      37 CB   libc                 0.2.62          =
pass    1  2  1177413  10994523  1/1    0/0  160451     197 CB   winapi               0.3.7           ↑0.3.8

An optional argument to verify only a given crate and its dependencies.

> cargo crev crate verify structopt --skip-indirect
status reviews     downloads    owner  issues lines  geiger flgs crate                version         latest_t
none    0  2   256588   1041610  0/1    0/0    2110       0      structopt            0.2.18          ↓0.2.16
none    0  2   269250   1055834  0/1    0/0     930       0      structopt-derive     0.2.18          ↓0.2.16
none    0  1  1593422   6323276  1/1    0/0   11198       1      clap                 2.33.0          ↓2.32.0

--skip-indirect displays only a direct dependencies.

Check the cargo crev crate verify --help output for more helpful flags.

Use cargo crev to recommend dependencies

> cargo crev crate search logging
       3 rand
       2 log
       1 env_logger
       1 slog-term
       1 directories
       1 slog-async
       1 ct-logs
       1 wild
       1 imagequant-sys
       0 unicode-segmentation

cargo crev crate search <query> will query crates.io for crate maching a given query, and then sort them from the most trustworthy.

This features is still new and is planed to be expanded and improved.