Module cargo_crev::doc::user::glossary[][src]


The following is glossary of terms commonly used in crev and cargo-crev


An optional part of a Review, announcing a significant problem fixed in that package version, advising other users to upgrade.

Notably Advisories implicitly denote existance of such issue in all previous versions in a certain VersionRange.


Default (and currently the only supported) identity type in crev. A self-generated identity used to sign proofs.

Under the hood it’s just a keypair, with the public key used as a public ID, and the secret key stored locally and encrypted with a passphrase.


An optional part of a Review, announcing a significant problem present in a given package version.

Very similiar to Advisory. It’s generally better to prefer Advisories, except for cases in which the problem does not have a solution available yet.


Level is commonly used in crev to qualify things. It can typically have one of 4 values:

  • high
  • medium
  • low
  • none


A YAML document describing attesting a certain fact. Currently supported proof types are:

  • Trust Proof - attesting that the author of the proof considers another identity as trustworthy
  • Package Review Proof - describing the results of code review of a specific package/library

More proof types can be introduced in the future.

Proof Repository

A git repository used to store Proofs. A Proof Repository can be local, or public, just like git repositories are.


Short for Package Review Proof. A document describing results of source code review of a particular package.

Trust Set

A result of traversing a Web of Trust from from a given root identity to calculate a set of all the other identities that are directly or transitiviely consider trustworthy.

See Trust documentation module for introduction.

Web of Trust (WoT)

A graph composed of identities as nodes, and trust relations between them as edges.

Build on the fly from all the available Trust Proofs and used to calculate a Trust Set for a given identity.

See Trust documentation module for introduction.

Version Range

In crev, a method of simplified version range specification.

Can take the following values:

  • all - all versions
  • major - major release (eg. 2.x.y)
  • minor - major release (eg. 2.1.x)

An Advisory reported in a Review of version 1.2.3, would affect all versions between:

  • 0.0.0 and 1.2.3 if reported with all Version Range value,
  • 1.0.0 and 1.2.3 if reported with major Version Range value,
  • 1.2.0 and 1.2.3 if reported with minor Version Range value