Module carbide_core::event[][src]

Contains all render used to describe the input events that Widgets may handle.

The two primary render of this module are:

  • Input: carbide's input type passed by the user to Ui::handle_event in order to drive the Ui.
  • Event: enumerates all possible events interpreted by carbide that may be propagated to widgets.

The Event System

carbide's event system looks like this:

Input -> Ui -> Event -> Widget

The Ui receives Inputs such as Press and Release via the Ui::handle_event method. It interprets these Inputs to create higher-level Events such as DoubleClick, WidgetCapturesKeyboard, etc. These Events are stored and then fed to each Widget when Ui::set_widgets is called. At the end of Ui::set_widgets the stored Events are flushed ready for the next incoming Inputs.

carbide uses the pistoncore-input crate's Input type. There are a few reasons for this:

  1. This Input type already provides a number of useful variants of events that we wish to provide and handle within carbide, and we do not yet see any great need to re-write it and duplicate code.
  2. The Input type is already compatible with all pistoncore-window backends including glfw_window, sdl2_window and glutin_window. That said, co-ordinates and scroll directions may need to be translated to carbide's orientation.
  3. The pistoncore-input crate also provides a GenericEvent trait which allows us to easily provide a blanket implementation of ToRawEvent for all event render that already implement this trait.

Because we use the pistoncore-input Event type, we also re-export its associated data render (Button, ControllerAxisArgs, Key, etc).



Touch-related items.

