Function capstone_sys::cs_insn_group [] [src]

pub unsafe extern fn cs_insn_group(handle: csh,
                                   insn: *const cs_insn,
                                   group_id: c_uint)
                                   -> bool

Check if a disassembled instruction belong to a particular group. Find the group id from header file of corresponding architecture (arm.h for ARM, x86.h for X86, ...) Internally, this simply verifies if group_id matches any member of insn->groups array.

NOTE: this API is only valid when detail option is ON (which is OFF by default).

WARN: when in 'diet' mode, this API is irrelevant because the engine does not update groups array.

handle: handle returned by cs_open() insn: disassembled instruction structure received from cs_disasm() or cs_disasm_iter() group_id: group that you want to check if this instruction belong to.

return: true if this instruction indeed belongs to aboved group, or false otherwise.