Module capnp::introspect

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Traits and types to support run-time type introspection, i.e. reflection.


  • A RawStructSchema with branding information, i.e. resolution of type parameters. To use one of this, you will usually want to convert it to a schema::StructSchema, which can be done via into().
  • Type information that gets included in the generated code for every user-defined Cap’n Proto enum. To use one of this, you will usually want to convert it to a schema::EnumSchema, which can be done via into().
  • Type information that gets included in the generated code for every user-defined Cap’n Proto struct.
  • A description of a Cap’n Proto type. The representation is optimized to avoid heap allocation.


  • A Type unfolded one level. Suitable for pattern matching. Can be trivially converted to Type via the From/Into traits.


  • A type that supports reflection. All types that can appear in a Cap’n Proto message implement this trait.